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Brandon, a transfer from Sacramento City Community College, had a 6-3 record last season for the Tigers. He weighed only 198 in junior college and threw between 83 and 84 miles per hour. Brandon beamed,  My Squat went from just doing the bar to 455 pounds and my Bench from 145 to doing 230 pounds for easy reps. But, what was really important, my pitching increased to between 88 and 89 miles per hour. Brandon lettered for four years as a pitcher and outfielder at Tokay High School in Lodi, California. He was a first team All Bay Conference and All Area player as a sophomore while leading his team to the SIAA Championship.<br>Brad appeared in 45 games as a true freshman in 1997 with 28 starts as a catcher. Last season he led LSU in homeruns (29) and runs batted in (90). Brad attended Marina High School in California where he lettered three years as a catcher. As a senior, he hit .445 with 11 doubles, 12 homeruns and 30 RBIs. Brad was the Orange County MVP as a junior. His father works as the bullpen coach for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Brad, is a Kinesiology major and Benches 290 pounds.<br>If Brad were a high school baseball coach, he would have his team aggressively lift weights.  We are dominate at LSU because we lift. Our baseball coaches believe in it. They even come down to watch us. They check in. <br> Without our strength and conditioning program, asserts Brandon,  we would be a mediocre baseball team. If you miss a weight workout, it is like missing a practice. You are not going to get away with it. It would ruin the fabric of the team if we were not committed, dedicated and required to weight train. <br> You need to do your flexibility workout, advised Brad.  The theory that weights tighten you up is a myth. It does nothing but good if you do it the right way. <br> For pitchers not to lift is a crock, said Brandon.  I work my legs. I know that's where it's at. And, I don't go crazy on the bench. <br>Brad continued,  You must be committed and have a desire to make your goal. Set your goals high. Brandon added.  It will take will and determination. You can't be afraid to lose. You can't go out scared. Just be determined to mow 'em down. <br>Last season, the LSU Tiger baseball team did not do that well in the SEC tournament. The team said not to worry about it. Regionals were what was important for the national championship. They hit 20 homeruns in four games to win regionals! That was a record. Brandon was selected to the All-Tournament NCAA South Two Regional Team. They hit 17 homeruns in the College World Series which tied the record while finishing third. Brad was selected as a First Team All-American and led the SEC in homeruns and RBI's. <br>Brandon seemed so squared away during our interview, I was surprised to hear him say,  I made some bad choices in high school. I got kicked out of school my senior year. But, I did some real soul searching. I realized God gave me some talent and I wasn't supposed to waste it. I got my life back together, went to junior college and then on to LSU. <br> I never miss class now. I turn in my assignments on time. I don't drink, or chew, I don't think alcohol and tobacco are part of baseball or life. At seventeen I never would have said that. My brain wasn't on the right path. Brandon is, not surprisingly, majoring in philosophy and religious studies. He plans on getting a Masters Degree with a goal of teaching and coaching at a junior college. Further goals include going after a Ph.D. and becoming a university coach. <br> I might play pro ball if it happens, philosophies Brandon.  Life is so unsure, so you keep movin' for`(%?EtT^r&L2#.9=?\26FiJT?=WsP~[9|dW?+qS&QQq!~qL[2K; [(3SddCR/ۢ:Wڃ11v"h~%5K1(?sTpi#D_!3<$Qn-m"TM %1^ ?䌉ZjZ t1XUO@:Q7LZc{ SQ(@,Hx% 1yxYDvAubhwlEZ8Cb}_$ ZWiJȉfg=3W?qqս2x/jKj