JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================8K" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?a\.}(L!8`ؠM]W's +ȩ!fϭVFr1կ3;e^Yz3f kbFI {^x9m٧s=_vcwcUux`79'6Q d;.09Ke+wX_f6{TBϩ&N)MQfv~KuyNq]<+ֱfmgxn}EYcv({WU7.ʺɏ=Ćg\JSʶnM-;E6Tkp9#K_Ykj#fL}{Wi/|"R`3zkZӧ +jee淖KxLDe*3[Ig)͝|@O;;bq]d.G@pGiÙ|ckx4X a)~Ʈw[pW{fx~dW$l1x$ K{|$VU؀s:mNX'ΊW A)n爐{/ ֨,[V_Oi(<br> Steven Van De Zande<br><br><br>THE BFS RESPONSE AND SECRET OF THE SLDL<br><br>Coach Van De Zande has a great point and I thank him for his well thought-out letter. We have called the SLDL a top priority auxiliary exercise for at least 15 years but have not really discussed it thoroughly for awhile. We do however explain our position in detail in our Auxiliary Video and have Stefan Fernholm demonstrate his SLDL technique. Stefan should be regarded as the fastest big man in at