JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================JK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?IbX%IU Uo'Շ򪑞ч2n)n*E%$V$5-ȂB?5^BTA҄ S]ΰƬThV Ku N~Fo޺vFf-$Mrb.Ϛhvl$7zP6,c}nTm3)MN?DĴ'>QL׏z5F&]GKpFKF0n;UV5(^BuWe A&ɔ]̹uGVbRrNy[dx\=$R$e: WY ͬ 5 u#lMF݋:ud^&Z$Z|(sk+ +YKpk-=sʝW䈴Z؄+x%UHNNjgFL[r-K/ # (I\-5-ͫ RX$ɫI$k#Znb>tD!-wMx9R*u3jGjU$Iب9dw(h*hh2ڵGU\"/EJWV<1.g3UkVj*˓޹:auKE"}"R3VT++GTª;nb'/)dlQF}3Kpme=7p? _S~kVU)"+dWwI i8@8@#!t[dJut -ּjZ)ȅw0?oE$u$ط;ֳ'w%VA?CXrVxVQ•J14i@bDM9F7t:'F"o#nqb-Ikh[-;Trk< +zQ8+\U'k"Qɶӯu\_A4"NOZj.q̪?C5q\'k`A㡯&R[rUcW?ZBn&ahUӯrʖrG*E^|s-ytU~#"OaJrxElҺqҐicans who should have followed in Thorpe s enormous footsteps? As a partial answer, consider the discouraging fact that Thorpe s Olympic medals were stripped from him, due to an unfair and regrettable decision made by an Olympic sports body, less than a year after his record-setting performances. The ruling claimed he had lost his amateur status by accepting payment for minor league baseball while on vacation several years earlier. The truth is he had earned a paltry $25 a week and did not realize that his playing would jeopardize his amateur status. Although Thorpe went on to experience a long career in baseball and football, he died medal-less in 1953. Later, facsimile Olympic medals were returned to his family, and his name returned to the record books.<br> Even though Thorpe s athletic contributions are held in wide regard today, there are additional reasons more Native Americans have not pursued sports