JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================NK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?%P0)ibViTsҝ1JV:4~ڝA_/ Bs$ʬ @ʂ{$݋RoEBփ/=* # tU׎LGN%'Y>SMjZ6+RQ/Tsm qb Ă26ȂMLF-Kϼq#̸͒.zlV݃[8-dRg ȓDBBG OjrG$c-a5tC48 x=+IPti}G> l@}ݍEy|x90j9w?}Z3669eW-; x8԰nWV㡮Uzݲj'S/zm iT~FO]槛#lˊmͧmܣ%knsYߛZ'ibq&ܨE+ҶqQ jL +6{ՙAT1.d{Er? {cpHrG_º-*%m]M%XuR$sLx$S"0bnp:פC$2n,ernzqXݶ,er3[T\x }_sq!٨_ i#/ei[ 5x\fH3r+ 6pR鶱G:$a 66֬mHI;Þ?'ӧY!fHsWtI+ IP1aukQti,Y%?J4;|xYƴdHR<룔r<%ݴ&&eÒ2ֺm@F{vi%f>c zf,-;Q6[K4"=-t 1_°ye4nl#fMF8^HK,sA(Xj@l/VVL/F4&FW 2UKmFK!160֥k>\g!;@bA$Ԣ&<br>TRUE OR FALSE<br><br>1. Fat is the primary culprit in making people fat.<br>2. Americans are fatter now than ever before.<br>3. Americans eat too much fat.<br>4. We are eating more meat than ever before.<br>5. We are eating more carbohydrates than ever before.<br>6. Carbohydrates, especially the principle of carbohydrate loading, are important to endurance type athletes.<br>7. A person can improve his HDL (good cholesterol) by becoming a vegetarian.<br>8. Coke or sodas are bad because of all the sugar.<br>9. The potato is not bad, all the butter and sour cream is .<br>10. To lose weight, you really need to watch your calories.<br>11. Asians are slim because they eat fish and rice.<br>12. Eggs and bacon are two of the worst things you can eat in relation to hig