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Anticipating the high demand for the Speed & Sky School, our administration allowed us to purchase virtually every speed development item featured in the Bigger Faster Stronger catalog, said Anderson.<br>Anderson was honored in 1975-1976 as the Outstanding Student Athlete on the Indiana University Wrestling Team. He began coaching in 1976 and has accumulated an impressive record by coaching varsity football, freshman football, varsity wrestling, junior varsity wrestling and girls' varsity tennis to more than 253 wins and only 36 losses to date. His success with the girls' teams should come as no surprise. Anderson published an article entitled  Strength Training for the Female Athlete in Athletic Journal in November 1985. He has also been a motivational speaker at the Indiana Football Coaches Association Clinic.<br>Coach Anderson has also received statewide honors including the Indiana All-Time Winningest Freshman Football Coach for 10 undefeated seasons and the Indiana Winningest Powerlifting Coach with 12 state and 3 national championships. Considering all this, it is quite an honor when Anderson says on behalf of Martinsville High School,  Once again, we owe BFS a great debt for helping us improve our athleticism, and also for keeping us virtually injury-free since we incorporated the BFS program. It would be impossible to compete at such a high level if our athletes were on the shelf due to injuries. Our athletes continue to enter each contest strong, rested and confident. <br><br><br>_____________________<br><br>Leigh Anne Hardin<br>She's Still the One!!!<br><br>In the fall 1997 issue of the BFS Magazine readers were introduced to the remarkable Leigh Anne Hardin. At the time, Leigh Anne was a starting guard on Martinsville High School's girls' basketball team and helped win two state victories. In girls' golf her ranking has already garnered national attention.<br>In the past year Leigh Anne has dazzled the golf world by winning the state championship and then clearly dominated the five opening matches on her way to winning the U.S. Girls' Junior National Championship at age 16. In the golf world, that's about as good as it gets for a teenager.<br> Leigh Anne has always been a step ahead of everybody else, says Ryan Carter, AJGA tournament director,  Now, she's a step above. <br>Her victory aired on ESPN2 and she continues to receive incredible coverage in all the national golf journals. Her win also opened the door for LPGA events and what appears to be a lucrative and long-lasting career in the sport. All this, while maintaining a 4.43 GPA at Martinsville!<br>Leigh Anne's success is due to her dedication, regimented training program and innate athletic skills. She has been following the Bigger Faster Stronger program under coach Marc Anderson's direction. She's performed a 240-pound squat and 135-pound bench. She doesn't perform the clean. She also has a 24-inch vertical jump.<br>Preparing for the Junior Nationals, Leigh Anne spent countless hours practicing at the driving range at nearby Foxcliff Country Club in Martinsville. There she worked under the watchful eye of her father, Steve Hardin. Steve played basketball at Butler University for legend Tony Hinkle. No one prepared a team more thoroughly than H