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XlOKI+Bk0鑎Ȫ_'h*BNy_ž<1rU4i-J[RK\o4ow special his players are, Hamamoto continued,  We are one of the most successful teams this season in San Diego County. But unlike many other winning teams this year, we only had one scholarship---Andy Huang, who is going to play next year at Sacramento State. It was a bunch of very good high school players who decided they were going to be successful. They were dedicated with their workouts and they beat many teams with Division 1 football-scholarship players on them. <br><br> It s Your Loss<br><br> I would not recommend BFS clinics to any school that we play, Hamamoto joked, then continued,  I sure would recommend BFS Clinics and I have. Some coaches are just too stubborn to try, but it s their loss. I can t say enough about how much BFS has helped our program to be one of the best in San Diego. <br>On behalf of the entire BFS staff, I thank Coach Hamamoto for his dedication to his players and wish him and his Broncos continued success in the years <br>to come.tion and joint integrity benefits. Personally, I feel that the more an athlete can do in space, opposed to a being in a fixed range of motion, the more beneficial the training when playing the game. That's not saying we do not use machines, but they are not the foundation of our program. <br>Beane's success on the field parallels his success in the weight room. From 1996 to 1998 he brought his bodyweight up to 212 pounds from his freshman weight of 175, and his body fat down from 14 percent to 11. His power clean has gone from 235 to 285 pounds, squat from 405 to 565 pounds, bench from 275 to 325 pounds and chin-ups from 9 to 18. Proving this Beane can jump, his broad jump has gone from 8-feet-9 inches to 9-feet-6-inches. Not bad, considering he's been training under the BFS principles for only three years, and gone from a hey-look-at-me athlete to the Division II leader. <br>Easy going off the field, Beane is deceptively quick and agile.  You look at Damian and you think, 'I don't see anything super special here,'  says Cater.  But he's very quick and if you give him some space, he's going to get an awful lot of mileage out of it. And he's very difficult to tackle in the open field. He seems to get out of so many things. He's shifty and has excellent feet. He's a lot stronger runner than people think." <br> When Damian arrived on campus, he was virtually unseen because of his size, but when he walked on the field, everyone saw him because his heart was bigger than his body.  Beane weighed 175 lbs. when reporting to camp his freshman year, was very scrawny looking, and was listed fourth on the depth chart. During camp, though, the coaches knew that they had someone special playing tailback, says Yurish.  However, for Damian to play the entire season, he needed to get to work in the weight room ASAP! The success he had in that season motivated him in the off-season and by the end of his freshman year, he weighed 196 lbs. I'm an old-school guy who believes what you put into something, is what you get out of it, and Iy compete on the field, says Brooks. The results were beyond anyone s expectations.<br>Brooks started working with Poliquin on April 12, and continued for the next three months. He trained for one approximate