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They told me the Massillion players were the strongest team they have played and they also felt one of the hardest hitting teams they have ever played. These comments insured me that football can be played without trash talk and finger pointing, and that it can be played violently and aggressively, with discipline and spirit and still be fun. Thank you Massillon Tiger Football Family, for inviting me and the Southridge Spartan <br>Football Family to be a part of this  Experience of a Lifetime. <br>owing marks: Bench-280, Squat-350, Dead Lift-315, 40-  at least a 4.4 or 4.5. Now, at age 22, Paul can Bench 385, Squat 490, Hang Clean 319 and Vertical Jump 35 inches. He is majoring in Sports Management and Marketing and will graduate this summer. <br>Paul came to Marshall to play football with his best friend John Cooper. It turned out to be a great decision.  We win so much that we expect it now, says Paul.  It s a good feeling to win all the time. Paul made first team All-MAC and was named Player-of-the-Week several times at his defensive end position. At 6-7 265 with his speed and quickness, Paul is a force that is hard to handle.  But I m not big on awards, asserted Paul.  The team is more important.<br> I believe the secret of our success is that the coaches recruit well. We give a lot of athletes a chance. Some of my teammates come from poverty or a poor background. Marshall provides an opportunity to grow up and mature. I started out not going to class but then I changed. I had reconstructive knee surgery because of an injury during the second game of the 1998 season. I thought,  Man, I m only one play away from never playing again. It made me realize that I had better go to class, get my grades and graduate. I know now that I m not invincible . . . no one is. <br>Paul has developed some strong convictions as a result of his experiences at Marshall.  Give it all you got in the classroom, advises Paul.  Anything you put your name on make sure it s quality. If you make a mistake, people will judge you on that. Find a role model. Mine is my dad. I have the utmost respect for him. He came to this country when he was 15 in poverty and no education. I have four sisters. One died but the other three have graduated from college or will graduate.<br> My family is the most important thing in my life. I like to surround myself with people who really care for me. I have about three friends here at Marshall that I d trust with my life. You can have all the money in the world but it doesn t mean anything if you don t have friends.<br> Every time I come into the weight room or on the practice field, I want to get better everyday. I look at myself at the end of a workout or practice and the goal is to always get better. <br>Doug Hodges is from Miami, Florida and attended Southwest M