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|}Jx%s a program that we will continue in the future, because it shows results. As they continue with the program, in-season and off, they know that they will grow and improve even more; that a winning dynasty has been born. BCKx=/=(*h p0HX,@%. `8#'(xp Hh@X`0PiHwy@pp ~ke0^Ћ{XWb(nrPguh`UY[x`gpnwp0szjP|xuXl~(H@ؐ hР8,HUx>7 X5)'IpN#.9S0P@(L0<`%CYPE3GWx0H P( pX8`Xh x(0PpH  @`bp@``B9;IHGXpEiP7Kd5 NT@WYnhP[(>R^8gk(0 hx@p8HP`hu@|X~Ѐ spe`g`nPjw(cp08ȐyxHlxHh@(Xع0Pp `8H  (82h `@pX')9 "5x0+0.P7% N{bd8gY0w^kRt~IinxyKPHGze="-1" color="#000000">Putting the Team First at Lawrence High School
The Cardinals had a Good Strength Program;
they just needed to take it to the Next Level