JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================SK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?8jHcqRDWp~VE'NGҼCvR|}(s֫\VEQ3MEd&ܵyrEiL+uO[[YJ/πvd% 0,TF[BVe%ίCy2ݪ/xn18ֿ3+.ۄ$ ݞRKٓMa89;!*H|0%>~v7䑎J^OؚL z E՚&iFv>$+BZE/N¹eVlf=EsVw5|<(G'V%)Y${WAwwc_rd 3AoޙZDjU}5[EG:DIYn}b2*I'< n83}MyΩT+6I$, K 's{&ɥ].Æ'ڼ/.#3^+K ZA#h-#mPy˂ֺYW%i٭Qxؽ`(fpZp 99mI ndU+ gb1_Ƹ~C2JN՚<DŽ|]sRH|Sk-dW8Q8 u{ԙT5"+ l`3y.\+NG3H8~\~wg2DdN0:؋]DH3X᤮u֍fmDїV tj6UsqǠ=kb v3\3IWDৣF)77-(>Wi9<ӷJy$NSW5}12,>)=cU#?*?J.I7-^plrOsZFY@{8ִ.m庹$Ae߈o5͂jFL>[_lF$٬ҕ?{~읊~cQ4 2ո%.Sd׆L}8&9%%#Ъ&3 s-Wtab-DP(`1´??S93v#'OA۵VIj:2IeW,.T;Ҋ)"J(UظfU E*hͽ3b*3?V^O~Eo)>lyometrics should not have been used at the high school level, that 19-inch boxes were much too high for high school kids, and that the boy had been subjected to peer pressure since had he not participated in the jumps he would have been humiliated.<br> The boy s representatives hired as their expert witness a chairperson in the physical education department of a prestigious Division I football school and a leader in several national physical education organizations. He backed up the plaintiff s claim that plyo boxes should not be used, that 19-inch boxes were too high and that the boy was a victim of peer pressure. <br> About a year after the accident, the case made it to court. The plaintiff s  expert witness ended up being discredited when it was discovered that he had never coached a plyometric box jump workout and had never seen one in person or on video. Furthermore, the jury got to see the BFS plyometric video in which untrained eighth-grade boys jump on top of a 32-inch box. The jury also saw our women s video featuring a 13-year-old girl leapfrogging over our BFS 20-inch boxes with ease. Therefore, most of the plainti