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The 100-meter remained the only track event for women other than the hurdles until 1948, when the 200-meter was added. By 1960 there was no way to deny that women were tough enough to compete in longer events, and the women's 800 meter was reinstated, with the 1,500 meter following in 1972, smack on the heels of the enactment of Title IX.<br><br>Title IX's<br>Slow-Growing Tsunami<br><br>As for myself, I was already in my second year of college when Title IX passed. I grew up with three brothers, so I was lucky that sports and an active, physical lifestyle were always a part of my life. For most of my classmates, sports weren't "cool." Some of these women today wage their own wars with obesity, underachievement and low self-esteem - all factors that an active lifestyle and participation in sports can ease or eliminate.<br>Considering that in 1972, schools had virtually no organized female sport programs, Title IX would take many years to put into effect. As late as the 1970s, girls' sports not only were neglected, they were often actively discouraged. In the government publication "Title IX: 25 Years of Progress," it was cited that "In 1971 a Connecticut judge was allowed by law to disallow girls from competing on a boys' high school cross country team even though there was no girls' team at the school. And that same year, fewer than 300,000 high school girls played interscholastic sports. Today [1997], that number is 2.4 million."<br>Legislative efforts to sabotage the original intent of the amendment were waged almost yearly until 1980, when the Department of Education was established and given the responsibility to oversee the implementation of Title IX through the Office for Civil Rights. From that point, Title IX began to work its magic, slowly though, as most social reforms do. Understanding Title IX's impact requires us to look not just at the burgeoning statistics in female sport participation but also at the mindset of the young women athletes of today.<br>While sports have created the most controversy regarding Title IX, the gains in education and academics from the amendment are also noteworthy. Title IX bans sex discrimination in athletics and academics. Before then, many schools saw no problem in refusing to admit women or in imposing strict lim3?R8Ŧ#5fu=GPIL9(bFoLpKwۃY 2٦>Ja&E3R[vw aS:zCyk!^=JV-E-exs΂b- aw5|KbWݹ{}} _EdZ&?$|q1v̍ McV\jg)1}k7T%FJ̉FtG@^)kЩA,$@EJOg-QXPXjYz.BN`'3Wm2ʪ|E. 3Y{wi.TcR 9&Ħ{۵ՎOJ9ua6JHi $xrk+Зը^Y)IZ!ڱw&T$Y]T!H{Pzeވ&:YfJaDI\z"mz 4 rdG k[⹯b 摠>vѲ(l',ػ!1*ip&ry0dr GwlLjF96%_("X h7r?Ն]s&%