JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================rK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?⿳਎ns ոCѸ0j ^DZ媌Ǽ-ʸ ִuc֌E\.m T݊;Ra`w`X{"̍JxBy5-AWOkjT*ld o4?V^zl{aÑ׏xG'шg5cO00s+ ҭ岱.&@t/w)YOpW\zMYbŲ7m`BO "fxX'e# Z02fp t0Yrpk*Z(+xLizœ986BPqis1uqUvk)+<,FCkf &Gt_VR{Fn<SR] 284Եt)ʡ*iIRI d^" &Dۀ;׎j"F;QBMѭNV(D1rOzQganXパz#jFn`(]b~L7ן +DoxQ&wڢpNT}2_qy+\>M5&e;5+ `Y,anrU` *b]>iMzmF\h1Eb~WV/m R#n2G)|'&V՚{LxXHBE=j~8*G9%ƵGG'^kemcClrOּ^Mm+w]6rJ لk|Qe ΋<2ĥȯ}6F/$EstBqwRpva/뒺T2rz,FBN(N2q/8Js+lFl@zަVc1 # g"/FtөhR"H-̉Qkvc|gCj24j(ϖÓk6#KI耑&CrsS<;_iAZxlTmκx} HJ]@+Grӷ{L0 -yc+Odgq+/gDCnNRj1rQMA(N GU,u+;EzKi4䓣* VWfM7vwŖ2r2)c{-X9!: SB[pCȧްgsjv'Qb$`> 6"0'1SiG:'pj Ka#fÜTLe BKoAYK48l6W$I6/6׏\n-FM洱=nx %cfv}3AٸM$oų-> $Μ樳=ƢM; `f^@)8eU} ms rܩ BS) wBgo"#Tq *tGݝ P-P)Lv@m~u >cppFt/r^[*E6`AˍQK TStandard periodization requires the athlete to establish and accurate mx. A computer will then take this max and create an 8, 12 or 16 week cycle which culminaes, hopefully, in a brand ne max at the end of the period. Somestrength coach will even continually adjust the system as they observe their athletes. Standard periodization has various cycles and phases throughout the year whch create a multitude of challenges with large groups of multi-sportathletes.<br>Establshing an accurat max with experienced college athletes is somewhat difficult and virtually impf the athlete's range of motion. In my opinion it's most important to stretch immediately after the workout because you help keep the body symmetrical. In contrast, if you waited several hours you have to stretch for a considerably longer amount of time to achieve the same effects. <br>Another factor is related to lifestyle and coaching methods that overly tax the athletes.  Too many coaches try to copy the programs of professional athletes or elite European athletes. These athletes usually have access to excellent recovery methods, such as soft tissue work and various forms of restorative therapies such as electrostimulation. Just being a kid goig to school and walking on concrete all day fatigues the hamstrings, and when you add tha