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Dj8PKY$VViYi1 Ə aTTm-ğ~w zZ\MšmDZI~mpDƕйvY WxƖ:1ڂE4(Q$P[ <?:.š6+c#H^0k_ j2muƼݮNqȈi+:[qxYck\,#ᙎIFauSNXe9"D)ut(PĘO4PC?ear with new team records such as: most yards rushing (3,042), most points scored (367 - that s even with the starters rarely playing in the 4th quarter), most average yards per reception (20.5) and most total yards of offense (3,983). Coach Robertson was also named State Class B/BB Coach of the Year (first coach in school history to be named) and sophomore Shawn Grigg broke a 21 year-old conference record for most yards per carry (13.6). <br>Before the clinic and the school s unification, the basketball team had not won a conference championship in 15 years. Now they have back to back conference championships with a good chance to 3-peat. In the last two seasons Allegan has established some awesome feats: 19 consecutive regular season wins, 20 consecutive conference wins, 20 consecutive regular season home wins, Southwest Michigan Class  B Team of the Year, BCAM Team State Free-throw Champions, state ranking, and state record for consecutive free throws made (31 in one game, 39 in combined games). Individually they had 6 players make All-Conference with 5 of them being unanimous 1st Team Players. Last season they had three out of the top four leading scorers in the conference. Allegan also had 5 individual school records broken. About their future success, head basketball coach Marty Martens strongly believes,  One of the key ingredients will be in their continuing to follow what we have established with BFS . <br>The wrestling team finished the year with great success as well. They ended as the conference team runner-up with 4 athletes qualifying for the state tournament (a 3rd, 4th and 6th place finish).  I have noticed most kids breaking personal records almost weekly, exclaims head wrestling coach Murray Rose.  Other schools note that our wrestlers tend to be  well built and stronger than the competition. I think our true success of using the BFS program will be observed over the next few years. <br>Last year, the girls volleyball team ended with the second highest win total in school history (31). They were named the District Champions and lost to the State Runner-up after 3 tough games 16 to 14. This great season was topped only by the year before where they were District Champs and made it to the Regional Final. Also, Coach Christine Robertson was named Conference Coach of the year. <br> Our Physical Education program has made great strides, proudly states Coach Marty Martens.  We have grown from two classes of weight lifting to six. Next year we have the possibility of adding two more sections. There are really two main reason that this has happened. We now have a uniform program that everyone is following. That program is BFS. The other is the fact that all of the coaches in the system now buy into the program. They have seen the results that our basketball and football program have had and believe that BFS has had something to do with it. <br>About their athletes tremendous strength gains, Coach Scott Robertson excitedly proclaims,  New records are being broken by both our male and female athletes each testing period. We also have the weight room open after school each day for 2 hours and only the BFS system is allowed. We have excellent numbers participating inclu