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Coach Schmidt also says,  I want our players to be able to play 70 plays in our heat and humidity. We are getting stronger, we weigh more and we are leaner. <br>Coach Schmidt s number one priority is speed. He works on speed 3 times per week and emphasizes sprint mechanics and overspeed training.  The weakest point in sprinting, claims Coach Schmidt,  is sprinting mechanics. We work on running form and explosiveness through the ground with the ball of the foot. Plyometrics help our athletes understand this concept. Therefore, Box Jumping, Bounding, Hurdle Hops and Skips are an important part of our overall speed development program. <br>Coach Schmidt advises,  Keep your drills simple and not too many. Get really good at a few things. It can be like having too many plays in football. He loves pulling sleds and does all of his plyometric drills with weighted vests in order to get used to what football pads feel like. He starts with six pounds and works up to a 12-pound vest after 12 weeks.<br>  Everybody looks good in shorts, challenged Coach Schmidt,  but what about when you put the pads and helmet on.<br>Coach Schmidt has been coaching for 17 years. I asked him about the differences in athletes over this span of time.  Players have gotten stronger but the big difference is in their speed. Players today are much faster. The high school coaches are doing a better job every year and every year I think they just can t get any bigger but they do.<br> I would advise the high school coach to work his players hard on the Squat, Clean and Speed Development. Be able to watch, see and measure improvement in whatever you decide to work on. Organization is the key.<br> You also lift to prevent injuries. For example, we have two Glute-Ham machines. I feel that exercise is really important and believe it may be the primary reason we have only had one hamstring pull in two years.<br> Look at what is important today. Do today what will make you better tomorrow. Consistency is the key. You have got to stick with it not just get fired up for a couple of weeks and then quit. Make sure you get good rest and excellent nutrition. It all comes down to execution and motivation. Help your players understand the why and how of what you are doing. is left-handed power to all fields at the plate, this Marietta, Georgian has shown his versatility by switching from left field to right field in preparation for the 2000 campaign.<br> Last year, Stuart made a very smooth transition to play left field after serving as our designated hitter in 1998, Fred Jordan said.  This year, we asked him to move to right field and he h