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Again squat all the way down like Baron and balance yourself. Now, see if you can press the weight all the way up so you look like Photo #3 again. The trick is to see if you can press the bar up from your shoulders while maintaining perfect balance.<br>POWER BALANCE LIFT #3: Do Drill #2 but now see if you can press it up, hold it for three seconds and then stand erect; all without losing your balance!<br>The athletes are yelling at me from their stations,  Coach Shepard look at me! I can do it! As it usually turns out, well over half the athletes can do it. This naturally leads into a great ending as we talk about the great success of the day as well as the future. Hopefully, you can use this article and do the same thing. Good luck!<br>Recommended Sets & Reps: Two sets of five reps on each lift.Should you have a gun and be around alcohol? Should you carry a gun for  protection ? Should you be careful about even going to a nightclub? Do you think Toren was around Dream Stealer people, places and things? Toren is being held on $500,000 bail.<br><br>Jeremiah Pharms, a former Washington Huskie linebacker, has been sentenced to nearly 3.5 years in prison for a drug-related robbery that left a Seattle man wounded. The Cleveland Browns had picked Jeremiah in the fifth round of the NFL draft last April but obviously that is now a dream shattered. However, what makes this story particularly sad is that he has a wife and five children, including twins. Imagine the wonderful life that could have been enjoyed but also imagine the future difficulties of Jeremiah and his family. We must keep our eye single to glory of being our best. We cannot lose focus, even for an instant. <br><br>Steve Bellisari had started as quarterback for the Ohio State Buckeyes for 31 straight games. The 2001 season was going fairly well, with two games left. They were to play Illinois and Michigan on their opponents fields. If they could win them, Ohio State could be conference champions (tied, but the winning representative). So, if there was ever a time to hunker down in a career and be focused, this was it. <br>In the early Friday morning hours, the day before the Illinois game, Steve was arrested and charged with two DUI counts. He failed three roadside sobriety tests and his blood-alcohol level was 0.22 percent. That s more than twice the limit at which an Ohio driver is presumed to be drunk, almost three times in some other states. Steve was facing three to six days in jail. It seemed so simple. Just stay focused for nine more days. It was not to be.<br>A highly remorseful Steve said,  I would like to say that I am truly sorry for my actions. I want to apologize to the university, my coaches, our great family and especially my teammates for my behavior. I let everyone down by my actions, and for that I am extremely sorry. Ultimately Steve was ordered to pay a $350 fine and court costs, attend a panel of victims of drunken drivers, two years probation, and a six-month suspension of his driver s license plus his jail sentence, which was served in January after the Buckeyes s Outback Bowl game. <br>One headline stated,  Bellisari s suspension might be the defining moment for Coach Jim Tressel. What should be done? Kick him off permanently? Or, don t worry about it? Let the court do its thing but let your QB play for Illinois and then the career-making game against Michigan? There were a number of options from which to choose. Many, many eyes were watching. I really admire the decision Coach Tressel made. I believe it to be a L $t<o$EbLD  IJ 4,DdL  < $ <  | xD=/   |   , d  d    4  D   t