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ZB~uƼJ9Ѹc#j<6ʶQ8_ZI;I$')'"6PcVsB~HBSɥRA4=(ɒGҘzԒHT ڣ=M zQGJ)that State championship game we took our helmets off, and the other team didn t. We just kept staring right at them, but they wouldn t look back - they d look down, look up, and back down again. After the coin toss we said,  We re going to kick their butts because they couldn t even look us in the eye they were so scared. <BR><BR>What s the best aspect of the BFS program - what sets it apart?<BR><BR>It s the emphasis on record keeping, because it makes it so much fun for the kids to see themselves getting better.<BR><BR>How has your coaching staff and your school responded to the BFS program?<BR><BR>Most of my staff has either played for me or coached with me, going as far back as the early  80s. They ve known about BFS for a long time, and they re into all of it. And our whole school is involved with BFS - it s part of the curriculum.<BR><BR>How does your school implement the BFS program in the curriculum?<BR><BR>The coaches teach the BFS program and they use the videos. It s like putting on a clinic, but you only have an hour. A clinic lasts eight hours, so it takes about eight class periods to teach everything and teach it correctly. They don t lift for about two weeks. The kids are so antsy after that they just can t wait to get going.<BR><BR><BR>How big is your weight room?<BR><BR>We have two weight rooms-one is 40 x 70, and the other is 30 x 50.<BR><BR>Why do you have two weight rooms?<BR><BR>We needed more weightlifting classes because the kids wanted it. Having a class every day in one room wasn t enough, so the principal, the vice-principal and I made another weight room. We called BFS and bought four more squat racks and five more benches, and platforms and dumbbells and a hip sled. We bought all of it just for the new room and now we get about 300 kids going through the program every day.<BR><BR>What has been the effect of the BFS program at Riverton High School in regard to athletic performance?<BR><BR>Last year we made the state playoffs in football, which we felt great about because we only started seven seniors. The first year we had only about one month of lifting because the school had just opened up, so we were very weak. Now that we ve had a full two years, we re looking great and we re excited about the upcoming season.<BR><BR>How about the women s sports?<BR><BR>Our women s sports are doing great. Our volleyball team won the regions, and they re on the BFS program.<BR><BR>You have a master s degree in psychology. Do you find that the skills you learned in that field have helped you become a better coach?<BR><BR>Absolutely. Anybody who deals with the mind and behavior is always going to be talking about goal setting. Doing things for the future, doing things to get ready for the future. That s why our workout card is so valuable. Every day the kids come