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You have been a great inspiration through your wonderful example. <br><br>COLLIN'S PROGRESS CHART<br><br> Year Weight Bench Clean Squat 40<br> 9th 205 300 225 375 5.2<br> 10th 210 325 275x3 430 4.9<br> 11th 225 375 315 500 4.8<br> 12th 235 450 315x10 550 4.7 <br>Vertical Jump: 27 <br>Power Snatch: 225 <br>GPA: 4.0<br><br><br>Collin will be attending Harvard year where he plans to play football and will pursue a career as an orthopedic surgeon specializing in cartilage regeneration. Box Squats on Monday can enjoy a quality speed and plyometric workout on Tuesday. Thus, the Box Squat trained athlete usually has greater speed, explosive power and jumping improvement.<br><br>V. Learning to Squat: Basic squatting principles and technique are far easier to teach and learn with the Box Squat than Parallel, Front or even Half Squats. Even in very difficult cases, athletes can keep upright with a locked-in lower back when doing Box Squats. It would be almost impossible to find any athlete who couldn t Box Squat with reasonable form on the first day. This includes girls and boys from the seventh grade on up.<br>Common problems encountered in teaching the Parallel Squat are easily overcome with the Box Squat. For example, the problems of keeping the heels flat on the floor or extending the knees forward or rounding the back are almost naturally done correctly with the Box Squat. It is also very easy to set an athlete on the box or a chair and get everything (knees, feet, chest, head, lower back and eyes) looking perfect.<br><br><br>THE BASIC BOX <br>SQUAT TECHNIQUE<br>First, assume an athletic stance and squat done carefully under control on a box, high bench or BFS Squat Box. Take care not to plop down hard or out of control as this could cause injury, although the Box Squat is very forgiving. When contact is made, settle back in a backward rocking motion putting the weight back on the glutes and hips. Make sure the lower back remains concave in a  locked-in position. Then, shift your power upward to drive the hips and legs in a forward, upward surge of momentum.<br>Make sure you use your powerful hip and buttock muscles including the tendons. If you go down and just touch the box, or bench, like most people, then all you develop are the quadriceps. This would be a serious mistake for an athlete. Finally, the athlete should drive up on his toes in an explosive type action at the last part of the lift. If the weight is too heavy to do this, the athlete should always try and have the feeling of coming up on the toes. The athlete should have the same feeling of blocking, tackling, rebounding or releasing a track implement at this final stage.<br><br><br>THE FINER POINTS<br>Obviously the height of the box makes a difference in the amount of weight that can be handled. The ideal starting point is about two-inches above parallel. Sometimes the tall, skinny athlete needs a higher level in order to get his technique correct. The same is often true with the over-fat younger athlete. The bottom line is control. If the athlete can t control his downward movement without plopping, then simply raise the box. <br>Normally, I l