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It is much safer when the pressure is on the heels. he most exciting thing is to see those kids who can t do much as far as controlling and moving their bodies turn into strong, quick, flexible athletes. I can t help but shake my head and say,  Wow! Do you remember when...? <br><br><br><br>HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 2000-2001<br>MORENCI MIDDLE SCHOOL FITNESS CLASS<br><br>Bench Press<br>11 boys at 135 pounds or more. <br>4 boys at 185 pounds or more.<br><br>Parallel Squat<br>11 boys over 200 pounds. <br>4 boys over 250 pounds. <br>2 girls over 135 pounds.<br><br>Power Clean<br>11 boys at 135 pounds or more. <br>2 girls at 85 pounds.<br><br>Hex Bar Dead Lift<br>9 boys at 300 pounds or more. <br>2 boys over 350 pounds.<br><br>40 Yard Dash<br>Average improvement .36 seconds. <br>9 boys under 5.3 seconds.<br><br>20 Yard Dash<br>Average improvement .16 seconds. <br>11 athletes at 3.0 or less, including one girl.<br><br>Dot Drill<br> Average improvement 25.8 seconds. <br>13 athletes at 70 seconds or less, <br>3 of which were girls. <br>5 boys under 60 seconds.<br><br>SLJ<br> Average improvement 9.6 . <br>10 boys over 7 . 2 boys over 8 . <br>All 4 girls over 6 .<br><br>Vertical Jump<br>Average improvement 2.8 . <br>12 boys at 20 or more. <br>All 4 girls at 17 or more. <br><br><br><br>Player Profile<br>COREY LOVE<br><br>Corey Love, is 5 5 , 127 pounds and is in the 8th grade. He scored 10 TD s on a 6-0 football season. He is the point guard on the basketball team that won all but one game, including a tournament. He holds a 3.9 GPA, Bench Presses 195 pounds, Squats 275 pounds, Power Cleans 155 pounds and Hex Bar Dead Lifts 300 pounds. Corey can do the Dot Drill in 52.7 seconds, the 40 yard dash in 4.92 seconds, the 20 yard dash in 2.75 seconds and can Vertical Jump 26 . Corey was awarded the American Legion Outstanding 8th Grade Boy at Morenci Middle School. He also received an award for outstanding character. Corey is truly an Eleven. for all Core Lifts, Squat Bench , Clean & Deadlift. If you are interested in these please call us at 1-800-628-9737 and we will be glad to help you get the information you need.od things come to those who are willing to take on that level of responsibility."<br><br>This year the strength program will be taken over by Todd McVay and Tim Finn, as Dicus has accepted the position of head coach at Boerne High School in Boerne, Texas. Dicus is excited about his new challenge, and his new motto is "We can get it done at Boerne!"<br><br>With the pressure doubled from defending their championship and losing a lot of players to graduation, the odds are stacked against Texas City of making it two in a row. "We're going to be young, and we'll be playing a lot of sophomores and juniors," says Dowling. "Though repeating might be difficult, I look for us in two or three years to be on top again."ause of who he is--- a great role model, a great student, a motivated young man determined to do his best.</t