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For years we ve had sport programs that were losing money. The kids had lost their pride. Now they re proud to be an 11 and it s changing the tide of everything at the school. <br>Interest was so great following the initial BFS clinic that Seale knew he had to channel that enthusiasm into the coming school year. The students wanted their own 11 Club, based on the BFS Guidebook for Success. That club was to be formed and governed by the students.  My job mostly is to stand in the back of the room and watch, says Seale.<br>The kids set up a code of conduct that does not allow drugs, drinking, smoking, lying, disrespectful behavior, cussing or fighting. Two infractions mean dismissal from the club. On Identification Day, 11 s dress up in slacks, button-down shirts, skirts and dresses as a way of identifying themselves to the student body and setting an example.<br>In just the first meeting the kids established a substantial list of projects that included painting the end zones. Immediately kids were on the phones soliciting contributions from local paint stores. They succeeded and 26 kids showed up with the paint and brushes in hand. It took six hours (one student s father did donate a sprayer, or it would have taken longer), but this year s team can enjoy coming out to a fresh, new field.<br>Other projects identified and still in the works include<br>" Establishing a Spirit Bus to bring fans to the games. The kids hope to be able to bus in people from retirement communities.<br>" An ongoing tutoring program. Already 16 kids are tutoring other students, mostly in math.<br>" A Lift-a-Thon to raise money.<br>" Organizing the homecoming game, pregame parties and pep rallies.<br>" Each member must perform ten hours of community service each year.<br>" A quarterly newsletter for the 11 s.<br>" A Copper-Silver Drive to help the families of those killed on September 11.<br><br>Obviously, improving the sport programs rates high on the 11 Club s agenda. Student Tony Iacovetto explains why.  Sports are my life and I really want to excel in everything I participate in. When I look at our district championship banners for basketball I really get embarrassed: the last time we had one was back in the  80s. I want to see some pride back at our school. <br>The students wrote their own statement of purpose describing the club s goals:<br> Elevens are not determined by physical characteristics, talent or popularity, but by the choices they make. Elevens live differently and always hold themselves to a higher standard. They never settle for less. Even when the road looks hopeless, 11 s persevere. Everyone can be an 11! All it takes is a willingness to try to better yourself constantly. Everyone falls from time to time, but 11 s get up and, instead of complaining about the fall, learn how to do better the next time. However, no one is an 11 all of the time, but the goal of this program is to help you become an 11 more of the ti