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Science is helping athletes increase
their physical and athletic fitness
How Paul Gagné uses the OptoJump to guide his athletes to winning ways
How Paul Gagné uses the OptoJump to guide his athletes to winning ways How OptoJump is helping athletes achieve physical superiority
How OptoJump is helping athletes achieve physical superiority Cool tools coaches can use to help athletes reach their goals
Cool tools coaches can use to help athletes reach their goals Taking action against this serious brain injury
Taking action against this serious brain injury Taking action against this serious brain injury
BFS seminar at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic Taking action against this serious brain injury
How the OptoJump is transforming athletic and physical fitness

Download these articles as needed to email or print out

Next Level with OptoJump
Balance Control
A Closer Look - Power Snatch
Steps to Prevent Ankle Injuries I
Steps to Prevent Ankle Injuries II
A Closer Look - SLDL
Rediscover Dips
The Glute-Ham Book

er ||B IvlA bad breakfast:  not meat, eggs, and other stuff. In a few months he dropped 50 pounds.  It s funny, I got down to 206, and I found that I could throw the discus just as far as I did when I was heavier  and my injuries disappeared. <br><br>The State of the Sport<br><br>Although Dan says the US stilؘ!,-- a-7++ `Wx5!0C!