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They are of P.J. exclusively and only show the north-south BFS Box Jumping routine. There are five drills in the basic routine. The first drill is called The Step Off & Land drill as shown in Photos #1 & 2. Notice the arm movement and head position. The second is The Step Off, Land & Jump Straight Up drill. This drill is the same as Photos #1 & 2, with the addition of Photo #3. You explode upward as fast and as quickly as possible. Anything more than a millisecond on the floor is too long. <br>Photos #4, 5 & 6 illustrate the Jump To Box drill. Step off, land and jump as in the second drill. But this time, instead of jumping straight up, you jump on top of the next box. Then repeat. Your set-up should include from three to five 20-inch Plyo Boxes. Each time, you would step off, land and jump to the next box.<br>The fourth drill is called Rapid Fire. Photos #4,5 & 6 depict this as well. The difference being that you do not stop at each box. You jump continuously and rapidly from one box to the next: floor, box, floor, box, floor, box, then land and jump straight up as high as you can. As you jump, bring your knees up as high as possible to your chest as shown in Photos #7, 8 & 9. You should go through this series three times.<br>If an athlete cannot bring his knees easily to his/her chest, they are finished with this segment of Box Jumping. Those that can, go to The Rapid Fire To Big Box drill. To do this, bring in the 32-inch box. Go through the Rapid Fire sequence and at the end, jump up on top of the big box as in Photo #10. From this point, if your ability permits, you can keep increasing the height of the box. Photo #11 shows the addition of our booster box which can take it up to a 40-inch height. Photo #12 shows P.J. making this height. <br>Even taller boxes can be used as in Photo #13. The next photo (#14) is of P.J. again. He can easily jump to a 50-inch height. Photos #15, 16 and 17 show P.J. jumping over the 32-inch box with one leg. Obviously, this is extremely advanced and is not something even a gifted athlete should try right away. <br>We believe all athletes, regardless of athletic ability, should do our Box Jumping routine. We even show you how to spot, not only for safety, but for a unique way to help all athletes be successful. Jeff Scurran, one of our BFS Clinicians, coached literally thousands of athletes through the years at Sabino High School in Tucson. On the video, Coach Scurran shows this unique spotting technique and says,  I never had an athlete who stuck with our program not be able to jump to the 32-inch box. This includes every lineman and every athlete involved in girls sports. Get this video. The benefits will be enormous.. The Warhawks continued their newfound winning ways, capturing the district championship for the first time in five years.<br>The Warhawks then advanced to the regional playoffs against Edison High School. Madison prevailed 20-14 in overtime, led by Tyier Lee s 156 yards rushing and two touchdowns. Coach Leib feels that Lee s ability to push through injuries and exhaustion he carried the ball 27