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Since then, Amy has moved into a different training phase where she focuses on taking the brute strength that was gained from heavy weight lifting and incorporating it into throwing the 8.8 pound ball they call the hammer.<br>Amy loves to explode on the weights. Her favorite exercise is the power clean. Her best is 253 lbs.! Since her attention is focused on the hammer throw she doesn't bench press, but she has done 275 lbs.<br>Many athletes in this day and age have stumbled across road blocks in their lives, yet managed to overcome these trials to be labeled champions. Perhaps th rough and rocky road they have been forced to walk is what polished them into first class, fine tuned athletes. Amy is an athlete that has had to work hard to overcome adversity. When Amy was in high school her parents divorced. As we talked about overcoming hardships and coping with negative aspects in life, Amy commented by saying, "Everyone has obstacles and you can make them to be as big as you want, it's just the way you go about handling them. The important thing is how you react and deal with the problems, that's what makes you a better person. I could have used my Dad's drinking problem and my parent's divorce as an excuse not to be happy and accomplish my goals, but I didn't. Some people choose to use negative things like this as a crutch to lean