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He added,  You have to have desire and want within yourself to accomplish your goal. You gotta want it and like it to make it work.<br> You must work your fanny off if you want to be successful and apply yourself. What your mind can conceive or believe you can achieve. <br>Drugs and alcohol are not part of Jay's success formula.  I have been drug and alcohol free my whole life. I don't like it. You don't have to drink to have fun. I can get just as crazy as anyone but I don't need alcohol or drugs.<br> Peer pressure is mental. It doesn't matter what any body says to me. I'm not going to do anything I don't want to do. I'm not going to jeopardize my career and chances by doing something stupid. <br>Jay believes he must keep his faith in God and that true success and happiness revolves around being stable and most of all your family. We thank Jay and Coach Madden for being great role models. They are Upper Limit people.<br><br>JEFF  MAD DOG MADDEN<br>TEXAS <br>STRENGTH & CONDITIONING<br><br>Jeff  Mad Dog Madden is a huge man. A strong yet gentle man. He is a man of may dimensions. Coach Madden is one of the premier strength and conditioning coaches who was asked by Coach Brown to follow him from North Carolina to the University of Texas.<br>The Longhorns embraced Coach Madden and his style.  I love the man, remarked one UT football player,  but I'm kind of scared of him too. That is a perfect coach-player relationship. This player continued his comments, Mad Dog is a motivator. I can't wait to see what he does for our first game. The team gets up for games but Mad Dog takes us to another level. <br>Coach Madden explained his goal for the Longhorns,  At the University of Texas, the emphasis of our strength and conditioning program is speed and explosive power. We help each athlete train the total body through explosive movements to reach an optimal athletic performance. <br>Although Coach Madden is only 35 years of age, he has already helped prepare more than 100 players that are currently on NFL rosters. Chris Smith, a junior defensive end said,  Mad Dog's workouts are unbelievable. Its way more than just weight lifting. He pushes every muscle in your body to help you reach peak performance. Then its your chance to unleash that speed and power on the football field. <br>Coach Madden has six full time assistants and three to four graduate assistants. Lance Hooton, Donnie Maib, Ed Nordenschild, David Plettl, Ken Sheppard and Angel Spassor are the full time assistants. Coach Madden was named National Strength and Conditioning Specialist of the year in 1996 by the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). He has been a strength coach at Rice (1984-88), Colorado (1989-92), North Carolina (1993-97) and now Texas in 1998.<br>Coach Madden serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Peak Performance USA, ISSA and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Sports Speed Magazine. He graduated from Vanderbilt in 1993 earning a degree in sociology and played a year of pro football in the USFL. Not only do you not want to mess with Texas, you do not want to mess with Mad Dog who has bench pressed 602 pounds. Finally, Coach Madden has participated in 10 bowl games; one as a player and nine as a coach.<br>One of Coach Madden's most important initial responsibilities was to oversee the constructio