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Additionally, athletes would have the added benefit be being equally prepared-and equally strong-for each sport the participated in. In short, training unification would benefit everyone. Senior Randall Bullock, a wide receiver, agrees:  Everybody is seeing the results of being a part of this program& one of Coach Longs favorite quotes is,  the best athletes don t always win, the best team does. We have a team of 11s! <br>Aside form improving the overall strength of the Vikings athletes, speed development and flexibility are also highly emphasized. Flexibility work is done daily, as well as a focus on a variety of lifts such as parallel squats, dead lifts, glute-ham developers and leg curls. Resistance exercises, overspeed exercises and biomechanical work round out the major components. Paul Crews already a highly recruited defensive back in his junior year of high school, attests tot the value of the system:  Our plyometric program has helped me become a better overall athlete. I am definitely more explosive than I was a year ago. My reaction time on cuts and jumps has improved significantly. <br>At this point in time, Long believes that the program has made great strides forward, but still has a long journey ahead of them:  We have success but we are working for better& we haven t arrived yet. Although the team performed admirably this season with an impressive ten-zero record, they still have a few goals they would like to see accomplished for post season. Primarily, Longs focus is on attaining the Vikings first state championship. <br>In the conclusion to Dr. Sheppard s book he offers these final words:  & a tremendous fire should ignite inside you. Apply the principles learned and you will become an unstoppable force. It will become eminently evident that the sky really is the limit. It would indeed appear that a great fire has been ignited in the Vikings, in both coaches and student-athletes alike. As Charles Fuller, a senior linebacker, says,  We worked too hard to lose. As a senior I m proud of what we accomplished. To next years team: finish it!. s situation, since taking action or simply voicing an objection would be considered counter to the will of the group. <br>What Would an Eleven Do?<br><br>To win the war against hazing, coaches and parents must have a battle plan, and it must be implemented starting in elementary school. Nuwer provides contact information on organizations that tackle hazing, and in his book offers numerous practical suggestions for parents, coaches, school administrators, as well as the victims and potential victims of hazing. In addition to encouraging victims of hazing to seek counseling, below are a few of Nuwer s practical suggestions on how hazing can be prevented.<br>Hazing is a serious problem with potentially dangerous consequences, but if we all work together as a team, hazing does not have to be a fact of life. You can t run faster than a speeding locomotive or leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you can certainly become strong enough to stand up and say no to hazing!<br><br><br><br>Nuwer s practical suggestions on how hazing can be prevented.<br><br> Help establish welcome programs for first-year and transfer students.<br><br> Reconsider all traditions in all school groups.<br><br> Urge schools to take precautions to prevent hazing on team buses, in locker rooms and during trips.<br><br> Get in