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Use it all the time in the weight room and during a regular practice. Your target can change depending on the lift or the situation. Training your athletes to keep their eyes on whatever target you dictate will pay big dividends.<br>Squat: eyes on target straight ahead. Power Clean: during the jump phase, the eyes should be on target high on the wall or on a specific point on the ceiling. In one of our feature articles in this journal, an athlete has his eyes down, thus his chin is down and thus out of his power line on a cleaning movement. Can you find it? If you do, you should start smiling as you come to realize that these Six BFS Absolutes are not only for high school beginners but advanced athletes as well. It also means you can become a strength and conditioning expert very quickly.<br>Sprint Stance: Eyes on target three feet in front. Sprinting: Eyes on target straight ahead. Tackling: straight ahead. Jumping: straight ahead.<br>What about when you are three points behind in a football game with only two minutes left and your opponents have the ball. What is your target? The ball! Have fun with this. Be creative!<br><br><br>______________________<br><br><br>THE BFS SIX ABSOLUTES<br><br>Athletic or Jump Stance<br><br>Be Tall <br><br>Spread the Chest <br> (Lock-in Lower Back) <br><br>Toes Aligned <br><br>Knees Aligned <br><br>Eyes on Targetould form from the stress of being an athlete at that level. <br>At the 1996 Olympics, Freeman channeled her great focus while maintaining propr sprint mechanics to place 6th in the 100-meter hurdles. Now this powerful athlete is focusing on the next 2004 Olympics. Michelle Freeman looks forward to pulling out all the stops and running as fast as she can to claim her goal: the title of Fastest Woman in the World.ichelle Freeman is a track and field athlete <br> who runs too fast. Seriously. She's a world-record hurdler who was ranked number one in the world in 1997 and made the finals of the Olympic Games, but paradoxically, she is just too fast for her event. <br> You can run only as fast as your technique will allow, says Freeman's coach, Beverly Kearney.  Hurdling is a more technical event than sprinting, and Michelle's speed makes it even more difficult for her because there's only so fast you can go between barriers. Michelle is really explosive, and sometimes her competitiveness gets the best of her and as a result she doesn't execute technically as well and the speed takes over. <br>An example of what Coach Kearney is talking about occurred during the Challenge of Champions Race held on June 1, 1997. In this special event in which superstar athletes were pitted in one-on-one competitions, a primed Freeman faced reigning Olympic champion Ludmila Engquist of Sweden. Freeman had an explosive start, and at sixty meters it seemed she would win easily by several steps. But as the race progressed, her technique faltered, and this allowed Engquist to overtake her in the last 30 meters to win 12.82 to Freeman's 12.96. <br>In addition to losing ground to technique, Freeman had been finding it difficult to stay healthy. Coach Kearney remarks,  The hurdles are an extremely violent event in terms of the demands it makes on the body, more so than straight sprints." In fact, so stressful are the hurdles that at one competition Freeman hit the siSA[|h4Ă=\6t5Hw#h*jGソ7(~@GJoJ;* |]=;4 "|T%IbƄ~ChQ#G[|\|=r|S֐z3%Sb 섷#QJ|U>`ev۰Z~$Ԛ~Bc [ F3ue*K1J@ҝiw忾6E4(c*1;T$W=#$)~+Z+^q>ȯpµLPWju*ܑ(C5#B߲A w,v*j7F&K(:8 $ezu*|00Pv \jA Tu#0Cn-.7Sʂ#NXIX۝k]O&@6,z |LmiZ8$PSaЃڧ)NL+TUUߨ* .?oxS+3?=+Sm⭶qlJT"@GfK5さԞ&UKSrlxӠj:!kVy=}6K 9BnQ"|%VnH< 5Rg27|j*/ "5Yvr!]: [_Yq3#9bsrL;]]'TӋYC<h\=Oyث0jO؟<2 gsbɖqeMA4qJ{S<}T{1Bh9\m\QkҟH9 (4{(Gڣ<"n4 |=By6" \iq@" f_aR6@_3aCG٨|sٰuj/5_2(y&_N z$rČѿ8;q&$ I~1Utwy⶚j_xK,DDF ]ct?_5dO@`"v [bv u/?aޯh28\\cw{5I(m 5$OV_^y5(tݵ FjFTOQU*dTxE[7vj_7pHVbSrb[%6M'w?kIsm#qiz_[`WPG$H"f}G*0&Ƨ8/!Vm.pмFOf2G'ò+w5WLփ<ΝD`l赛h.MI+59u7F.B.D)m[-CVud* t.T5.\[10H> k6 MXO[&ߖg-uEt-f($=XsMiGi U%j3▾l׿/ml-QmsdE-tE_іՊ,B/9e|F>=Sގ!ޝkߗ~JZ-IX# ?AXz=iEV6iZVj}4,yoa氶I$y$szラLky|6U3c/3GwonK 7WɍC?4qh?h_Ql?O=X󅦓j.bx`C$FhIhpmgTr䁔eh6$I;1ojczȷ=F慐[H\#c(_a55