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Steve Everitt, #1 draft pick of the Cleveland Browns and a Southridge graduate, was there to sign autographs and to talk to the players and fans from both schools. It was an honor to listen to the kids and to Steve compare war stories about their experiences as Spartan football players preparing for the game of life. Steve Everitt truly defines what it takes to become an Upper Limit athlete and person. Thanks, Steve, for all your help and support, and most of all for being you, a professional football player, that young players can look up to and by your example better understand that, when  Correct Hard Work Becomes Fun , success will follow.<br>That Sunday morning, as we were getting on the plane, I asked some of our seniors (who had played 38 Varsity football games) what they thought of the Tigers. They told me the Massillion players were the strongest team they have played and they also felt one of the hardest hitting teams they have ever played. These comments insured me that football can be played without trash talk and finger pointing, and that it can be played violently and aggressively, with discipline and spirit and still be fun. Thank you Massillon Tiger Football Family, for inviting me and the Southridge Spartan <br>Football Family to be a part of this  Experience of a Lifetime. <br> Whether it be our Set Rep Logs or our Record Cards or even just a piece of paper, it is very important to keep track of your progress. Your records not only give you a sense of progress and accomplishment but they also stand as a constant reminder that you can keep improving and that you can accomplish your goals and dreams. <br>Another attribute that makes Robbie a cut above the rest is his thankful attitude. He says, "I am thankful for getting your BFS books back then, along with the excellent coaching that I have received over the past few years, the competition my teammates constantly provide, and the positive support of my parents." Robbie feels a great respect and love for all those who have helped him and continue to help him accomplish his goals. <br>Because of Robbie's great attitude and dedication he will not fail, he will raise above all. Robbie is very excited to continue to prove himself and to get better. About next year's season he excitedly says, "I am looking forward to good things for me and my teammates during the 1998-99 school year. Last year Coach Moriarity's Panthers were ranked nationally in USA Today and played for the state championship. My teammates and I feel that if we stick together and listen to our coaches, we will play for the state championship again and bring back another state title to Bloomington South High School."<br>Because of his early desire to be the best, coupled with an attitude of dedication and desire, Robbie has proved he can do it. There is no stopping him now.some truths behind the stereotypes about track and field athletes. She says that sprinters are confident, bordering on cocky; throwers are the jokers and are laid-back; pole vaulters are the daredevils, and distance runners tend to engage in strange rituals and habits that she feels border on "just plain weird." She also says that because decathletes have an appreciation for all the events, they tend to make a lot of friends and, she adds, "have the nicest bodies."<br><br> <br>Posing for Perfection<br><br>Although her plate is full with athletics and studies, Amy does have a few outside interests, such as modeling. She is currently represented by Click, and Amy says the agency likes the