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I see it all the time, says P.J.,  But I don t associate with anyone or anyplace that would put me in a situation to be around it. My friends have come to respect my position. I try to lead by example. People come up to me all the time and say it s cool that I don t drink, use tobacco or do drugs. <br> I have never been around marijuana. I couldn t even tell you what it smells like. I have never had one drop of alcohol. I have been brought up well so I don t need it. I have never had one cigarette. I spend a lot of time trying to get better. Why should I go out on a weekend and screw it up.<br> I believe you should keep your eyes on your goals. Trust in God and believe in yourself. Stay focused on your goals and try not to dwell on problems that come up. Problems are what you see when you take your eyes off your goals. <br>I have followed P.J. since he was in grade school and know him to be a true eleven. We made up a special award and presented it to P.J. in front of his family, teammates and coaches. We honored him for staying valiant and for always staying on course in his pursuit of noble goals. The award stated,  P.J. BROWN IS AN ELEVEN. We hope all of our readers agree. Thanks P.J. and thanks to Jim and Brenda Brown for raising such an exemplary son.<br><br><br>__________<br><br>BFS made a special award and presented it to P.J. in front of his family, teammates and coaches. We honored him for staying valiant and for always staying on course <br>in his pursuit of noble goals. <br><br>The award stated, <br> P.J. BROWN IS AN ELEVEN. ften conflict with practical experience. A lot of such theories have been proven wrong, such as women who are pregnant shouldn t exercise or that women athletes can t tolerate running long distances. If you remember, 60 or 70 years ago experts said that a curve ball didn t curve, that it was an optical illusion. As for stress on the shoulders, certainly anyone who participates in gymnastics at a young age is putting a high level of stress on the shoulder joints and they seem to do fine.<br> <br>BFS: Seldom do your athletes perform any pressing exercises. Isn t shoulder strength important in jerking weights overhead?<br><br>Schnorf: During the time I worked with Curt and Stewart we never did any pressing. Stewart could never bench press 200 pounds, and Amy Miller has jerked 237 pounds overhead but can t do a military press with 75 pounds. Amy has one of the best jerks I ve seen, male or female, and certainly the best jerk of anyone I ve coached. I am of the belief that the jerk is a speed and technique lift, so with my athletes I emphasize speed, speed and more speed.<br>BFS: What effect does the starting age have on speed and starting strength?<br><br>Schnorf: The sooner you can establish the proper motor patterns in lifting the better. The toughest athletes to teach are the kids who are maybe 16 to 18 and have done a lot of bodybuilding exercises it gets very frustrating for them. I think that especially for a kid who s pretty bright and has an appropriate attention span, the younger you can get them started the better.<br><br>BFS: You were one of the first coaches to train athletes twice a day. Did you encounter criticism from other weightlifting coaches for training that frequently?<br><br>Schnorf: Certainly. The accep