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Invariably with the multi-sport athlete this causes confusion and it is terribly inefficient. Many great dominant football programs have all grade levels use the same system of offense, defense and terms. A dominant strength and conditioning program should be the same way. All coaches should use the same terms, the same warm-up, the same flexibility, lifting, speed and plyometric program. Begin this concept in the 7th grade with the BFS Readiness Program.<br><br><br>GET THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT<br><br> The BFS Readiness weightlifting program highly recommends several trend-setting pieces of equipment. First, the Aluma-lite bar (15 pounds) and the Ultra-lite bar (30 pounds). These bars are very similar to a regular 45-pound Olympic bar except for the weight. They are designed specifically by BFS for training and learning. Even a smaller 7th grade boy or girl can learn any lift safely and correctly. It is loads of fun for these kids because now they can lift just like the older high school or college kids. They can build explosive power, strength and self-confidence while learning correct athletic positions which can be used in their sport. <br>The second piece of equipment is the BFS Training Plate and the BFS 10 lb. Bumper plate. When doing a Clean or any lift from the floor, the bar needs to be elevated high enough to get into a safe position about 8-9 inches off the floor. This allows for the back to be properly locked-in and the chest spread. By doing this, the athletes are able to place the lifting emphasis on their hips and legs as opposed to their backs and arms. You simply cannot do this with a five or a ten pound steel plate because the bar is barley off the floor causing the athlete to have to bend almost completely over just to pick up the weight. Both BFS Training Plates are the same size as a 45-pound plate. The 5 lb Training plate is about an inch thick and made of very hard urethane, while the 10 lb bumper is about 2 inches thick and made of a softer urethane that gives. This allows for the plates to be dropped as opposed to being set back down. Kids especially love the bright colored 10-pound Bumper plate and the Aluma-lite bar. It looks like 135 pounds but really only weighs 35 pounds. <br><br>TEACH CORRECT TECHNIQUE<brdPIThb;Ί ^׬E