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Try to break the record each week. Practice this system two or three times a week when the body is FRESH. Following these guidelines and EVERY athlete can improve speed dramatically!<br><br><br>__________<br><br><br>THE BFS 8 POINT SPRINT SYSTEM<br><br>The BFS 8-Point Sprint Technique System singles out 8 specific points that must be looked at when assessing an athletes technique. These points are as follows:<br><br>HEAD<br>1. Head - The head should be level and <br> unwavering<br><br>2. Eyes - The eyes should be on a target <br> straight ahead.<br><br>TORSO<br>3. Back - The back should be upright and <br> slightly arched.<br><br>4. Arms - The shoulders should rotate vigorously <br> with elbows fixed in a 90 degree angle. <br> Emphasize thrusting the elbows back. <br><br>5. Wrists - The wrists should simulate a whip <br> action as the shoulder rotates back.<br><br>LEGS<br>6. Legs - Initial leg action is to lift forward then up. <br><br>7. Feet - The feet should make the initial plant <br> directly under the hips not out in front of the <br> body. The toes should be kept up don t let the <br> foot drop.<br><br>8. Knees - On the follow-through or end of the <br> leg drive, the knee should fully extend.e other benefits they ve received from Young s class.<br><br> We re learning about bones and muscles and stuff, said Amanda McCoy, who s been in BFS since the second semester of her freshman year. A senior who plays softball and basketball, McCoy said she believes that memorizing and writing poetry is paying off in other areas of her schoolwork and athletic career.  It helps me remember, she said,  and helps me concentrate. <br><br>Junior Amanda Waldroop, a cross country runner, sees another benefit to the poetry.<br><br> Sometimes, when I m not feeling good, I remember a sentence from a poem that makes me feel better. <br><br>Junior Penny Thompson, who plays softball, volleyball and basketball, admits she doesn t particularly like having to memorize poems, but said,  They do give us a lot of good messages. <br><br>And Krystal Laughlin, a junior goalie on the soccer team who enjoys the physical challenges of BFS, said those messages are important.<br><br> It makes me feel better about myself, she said,  and teaches me that I can accomplish things, and that makes me a stronger person. <br><br>One of the keys to the success of the program is that Young never lets it get stale.<br> The seniors have seen me change the course every year, Young said,  according to the things I ve learned over the summer. I think that helps keep them interested and gives them another reasons to take BFS. <br> <br><br>BFS<br>By Elana Breedlove<br><br>BFS has made me have<br>so much more respect.<br>It makes me remember and <br>do the things I used to wanna <br>neglect.<br><br>It makes me push myself,<br>it makes me wanna succeed,<br>Because of BFS I know what<br>I really need.<br><br>I need to work hard, push myself,<br>and try to be the best,<br>When you think of how the <br>body works,<br>why would you wanna rest?<br><br> Push yourself, come on, faster ,<br>that s all Mrs. Young used to say,<br>When running the mile <br>she was with everyone <br>every step of the way.<br><br>Everybody needs someone to <br>help you find the way.<br>I m glad I get to meet that person<br>every single day.<br><br>BFS isn t only about the <br>physical