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Elevens live differently and always hold themselves to a higher standard. They never settle for less. Even when the road looks hopeless, 11 s persevere. Everyone can be an 11! All it takes is a willingness to try to better yourself constantly. Everyone falls from time to time, but 11 s get up and, instead of complaining about the fall, learn how to do better the next time. However, no one is an 11 all of the time, but the goal of this program is to help you become an 11 more of the time. Changing yourself will be one of the hardest things you will ever do, but it will be the most rewarding. <br>The last line of the contract reads  I pledge myself to a better way of life in which my good choices and healthy lifestyle clearly distinguish my character. On a scale of one to ten, I choose to be an 11! <br><br>The Football Team<br><br>With such a small student body, mature muscle on the Soroco football field is in high demand.  Last year we only had two seniors, Willie Spicer and Casey Means, says Seale.  These guys sacrificed a lot. We were playing a JV schedule, and they knew we were out of contention for state and all the big titles. Still, they made every game and they really helped the other kids.<br> The team really rallied and we finished with a better record than any from the three previous years. The kids got the idea that it d be nice to dress nicer and went out on their own time, with their own money, and the entire team rented tuxedos for the homecoming game. They wore them the entire day. That really got the community to take notice. <br>Seale believes in calling a spade a spade, and while optimistic about the team s future, he knew this season would probably not be a winning season.  I told them,  If we re lucky, we ll hit 500. But you re the start of something new for Soroco. You re just the beginning.  <br>The team, with four seniors this year, has done a great job both on and off the field. Seale credits the BFS Be An 11 program for both.  We had no problems with the football stars. Grades went up and so did the level of respect. One of my colleagues made a correlation between the 11 s and the honor roll-they seem to go hand in hand.<br> These days it s the kids getting after me instead of me going after them. The gains in the weight room have been phenomenal. Huge gains. And it s all them. <br><br>Making the Choice<br><br>While sports and academics are two great reasons for a school to host a Be An 11 clinic, there are other matters of far greater consequence.%9GhA