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He gave me my first real introduction to weightlifting. He showed me how to do cleans and snatches, the proper technique for the squat, and he wrote my workouts. <br> When you speak with Coach McBride, it s obvious he tries to take care of every aspect of training and puts considerable time into developing his programs. He divides his training into 12-week cycles, which are broken down further into 4-week cycles. For the discus, he has Suzy concentrate on the power snatch and the power clean, the push press and the push jerk, the incline bench press (which he prefers over the flat bench press because of the angle of the release of the discus), and of course squats. Says Coach McBride,  If you want to be a great athlete, you have to clean and squat. <br>When asked about the differences in training male and female athletes, Coach McBride replied,  That s a challenging question. Physiologically, women have relatively longer femurs (upper thigh bone), so their squatting techniques tend to be a little bit different, but that s a minor point. I really don t look at our athletes much differently. I treat every athlete fairly and as an individual, which means some athletes need a kick in the butt and some need an arm around the shoulder. Concerning Suzy, Coach McBride is impressed with her discipline, motivation (she drives 45 miles, three times a week to train with him), and appreciates that she often takes time to talk to his other athletes about training and what it takes to be a champion. <br>Although her best lifts include a 132-pound power snatch, a 198x2 power clean, a 235x2 squat with a Manta Ray.<br>For Suzy, the only disappointing aspect of throwing the discus may be that it s more popular overseas than in the United States  The European perspective is different, and they are more knowledgeable about the sport. The media focus less on human interest stories and more on the straight meet. Although she is receiving sponsorship from Advocare and Asics, after the Olympics Suzy sees herself concentrating on the European track circuit.  Our athletes obviously have to go over there because that s where the money is, but everyone would like to be appreciated in their home country. <br> Suzy Powell may not look like the emblematic male Greek statues and figures we ll see on Olympic posters, but with her smart training and exceptional talent, you can bet her accomplishments will be chiseled in history.got in the classroom, advises Paul.  Anything you put your name on make sure it s quality. If you make a mistake, people will judge you on that. Find a role model. Mine is my dad. I have the utmost respect for him. He came to this country when he was 15 in poverty and no education. I have four sisters. One died but the other three have graduated from college or will graduate.<br> My family is the most important thing in my life. I like to surround myself with people who really care for me. I have about three friends here at Marshall that I d trust with my life. You can have all the money in the world but it doesn t mean anything if you don t have friends.<br> Every time I come into the weight room or on the practice field, I want to get better everyday. I look at myself at the end of a workout or practice and the goal is to always get better. <br>Doug Hodges is from Miami, Florida and attended Southwest Miami High School. There is no way Doug should be at Marshall or any other Division I school. He is listed on the program at 5- 10 but he is probably closer to 5-8