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At Colorado I taught the guys how to take all that extra energy they had when they were off the football field and focus it on the field, and to work together to be the best team."<br>No matter how good a training program may be, injuries are a fact of life in football, and as such Madden believes, it's important for him to be involved as the third component in injury rehabilitation. "First you have your doctors, then your trainer, then you have me," says Madden. "All of us, including the athlete, communicate with each other on a daily basis. We keep our athletes informed about why we choose a particular course of action so they understand what's going on in their rehabilitation, and it works to keep them positive. Say a player has an injured right shoulder; we can still work on his left arm and on his legs so he doesn't get too far behind."<br>Another key in Coach Madden's strategy to getting the players back fast is Dr. Keith Pyne, who flies in from his chiropractic offices in Dallas to work on the Longhorns. Pyne is considered one of the foremost practitioners of Active Release Treatment Techniques"!, a hands-on method for the rehabilitation of soft-tissue mechanics. "Dr. Pyne does a great job for us," says Madden. "He has a great knowledge of physical imbalances, and he works down the whole chain of the body to figure out exactly what is wrong. For example, if a player appears to have a hamstring injury, it may actually be a lower back problem. We've been very fortunate to have Dr. Pyne in our program."<br><br>The NFL Connection<br><br>As part of the football coaching staff, Madden also plays a key role in recruiting and takes his role seriously. "You have to let these athletes understand what they can bring to the program," says Madden. How has he done? "Two years ago we had the number-one recruiting class in the nation, last year we had the number-three class, and this year we're likely to have either the number-one or number-two class in the nation. We're getting a lot of tremendous athletes in our program and our coaches are doing a great job beating the bushes trying to find the best athletes to come to Texas. And it doesn't hurt that our facilities are second to none in the country. It's a great outlook for us." <br>Madden says next year the Longhorns have a lot of good returning startersaDhA].3sZ|_;n61kG PK梽Ɓh#gZxOBG.qCZp["hMLWװeQ^+;ccڲtv͟j*ZrciФ+& I-&R0y@ޢm61W>6c?:f8} g0kHJjzמjR|||ۼQ!Is# C^_Lnπf' SY7l4(gyt>Zغ2+%.N߅pڽ+K hӍ*\sv9-kj?i\8H`Qh5I hadN=S-GGkzc=P𮅼Sm$W,S)W*ιe\