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The school had some success, but Shearer believes that was due to having a team with a lot of natural talent, since the athletic program hadn t yet developed a tradition of winning.  So I brought Dr. Shepard up to do a Bigger Faster Stronger clinic to help set the goals for the kids, help bring the team together, and develop a common bond and a common goal. I had been in the business almost 16 years and was already pretty good at what I did, but BFS just made me better. <br> There s nothing like having a professional come in, evaluate your program and tell you what you can do to improve it. Greg has a way of doing that without offending anyone. And every time he comes by he follows up: This last time he followed up with two e-mails with suggestions that really helped. I told our players that Dr. Shepard contacted me and said we needed to do more stretching and that we needed to lift more weight  he knew we were breaking records but we still weren t lifting heavy enough. We took his advice and, you know what, it s really made a difference! <br>One way Shearer motivates his athletes is by using record boards, and the first board Shearer had was called the 250 Club.  The first year we got here the kids looked at each other and said,  You ve got to be kidding! but by the end of the year we had five kids who could bench 205. This year we re up to about 15 kids who can do 200, and we had to start a 300 Club we have five guys on that board! Now we want to start another club for those who total 1,000 pounds on the bench, squat and power clean. <br>In addition to football, many other sports at Burlington-Edison have shown amazing improvements from following the BFS program.  The same basic BFS program is used for other sports; the only difference is the auxiliary lifts, says Shearer, adding that one of the most impressive improvements has been with the baseball team.  In their last four games they had 70 runs, and their homerun ratio is just amazing. They re hitting the ball so much harder  they re hitting balls 400 feet and out of the park! <br>Enthusiasm for the BFS program among the coaches and the community has helped Shearer acquire funds to build a new weightroom. Since he came to Burlington-Edison, he s received $19,000 for equipment from support organizations, and recently a bond was passed that will pay to have a new weightroom built next year.  Everything this school district does is state of the art, and Bigger Faster Stronger is going to be a big part of helping us get it all set up. <br>Thanks to the new spirit brought to the school by Coach Bruce Shearer and BFS, the Tigers not only live, they roar!ion Coach Tressel made. 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