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This bio-mechanical problem is manageable when using lighter weights as with cleans, however, when doing dead lifts, the heavier weight magnifies the problem making it harder to stay in correct position. This causes some lifters to lean forward, raise their butts, and/or round their backs during the exercise. Hence, the FEAR. One of the biggest and easiest ways around this potential safety hazard is by using a spotter. So learn good spotting techniques and eliminate the FEAR.<br>When a spotter is used correctly, there should be no injuries occurring while dead lifting. When the lifter is in the down position, the spotter should press down with one hand on the lower back and hook the other arm around the lifter's shoulder and chest . The crook of the elbow should be secured against the lifter's shoulder while the fist or hand is placed firmly in the middle of the chest. The spotter and lifter should coordinate the lift together. The spotter could say  one-two-up . As the lift is begun, the spotter should pull up and back while pushing in on the lifters lower back. The spotter should pull bckward as the lifter comes up to get the weight back on the lifter's heels. When the weight is shifted back toward the heels and power line, the dead lift can normally be completed n safety. Just like when doing the dead lift with the Hex Bar, the lifter should maintain good form by keeping the lower back locked-in, the chest spread and the head up. <br>A spotter should always be used when doing dead lifts with an Olympic bar except during power-lifting contests or for school records. BFS standards for dead lifts with Olympic bars are the same as with the Hex Bar. It should be noted that a spotter usually helps 50 to 75 pounds. <br><br>OTHER LIFTS:<br><br>The Hex Bar can also be used for a variety of other lifts. Some common lifts that might be performed are shoulder shrugs, upright rows, straight-leg dead lifts, etc. <br><br><br>FOR MORE INFORMATION:<br><br>The BFS Dead Lift and Trap Bar Video provides excellent instruction and visual aid on how to perform the dead lift. The dead lift is also featured in the BFS Total Program Video. See the inside front cover of the Magazine for more information.?͐KռE7´S BwZ[+E#ԝG>jvL֠TEm 8iV)rL!o'K4ᯌҹ1zࡨ^`bV w!5+#*@}C;mKv֤oV<S)*5k]5bU>6¤ܗ70^yRK1x\zwP|;f*\B#U`3U3ƳTQwNP~ocF1AZeJ,)P"FisX%m$I}Xm ͅ=H\WC9|刔|BF?䥴VN$~Hw/D[]h 'ۄZ{)uf W<+̒b\:W0l.Z}wHp*coQI+-1_H7DQxm!ASB: /*0|!;PO`0vdcec{?& :2D' c #Sǭc WldMN0ʛO5b|*.W¤$-D "?k ?7B봋zOˎC?3n\ӹTs4ml_MPD@8pmFHj57#|.kFFR}V ~fwUf*@ʣՙHZ5;ua\ܻ4rLU Js%)Sh/zd2F M槨H[(LΩЎNvX]fƕZ} 7RNY=[S6 ո=R+QR:5"U=R I5$Z~kLkQђ `MsN1?O976@X֕|XԯlP#4yH6&_ ؍I%|cBu ōEv⌱":ׯL^QAUZ|>)jv0$njQ^U.PsTLG`(A!WriT4j$|Ya@zT ]Jb'ޙNh>(v$KzAʁr=3_ՕfCn*_=l[1!`AJuA"rOb p#&dZ-SOU~ ?e̿N8g