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He is the best in the country. Jim Whitten, our assistant strength coach, is also great. He helps me all of the time. <br>Corey believes that to be successful you must live good principles.  Surround yourself with people who care about you, Corey said.  Set high goals and live your dream. Work hard. Be your own person and strive to do what s right. Don t be influenced easily by things that won t help you. Be aware of what will help you. Be aware of what will help you and hurt you. Avoid what will hurt you. <br>Corey tries not to get caught up in things like peer pressure.  I don t let peer pressure get to me, stated Corey. I ve always been my own person. I never did smoke, chew, drink alcohol or do drugs in high school. If you were really my friend, you would never ask me to do that. If I did, my mom would have killed me.<br> My mother taught me many lessons. She was my inspiration and means everything in the world to me. She raised my two brothers and my sister by herself, while most of the time working two jobs. She taught me a lot about hard work and the Bible. I love my mother to death and she is the most important person in my life.<br> My Grandma told me to dream big and when she died on my 17th birthday that really helped me to focus and change. I pursued lofty goals from then on. I really believe in dreaming big. My family and my belief in God are the most important parts of my life. I believe it is important to be willing to live a Christian manhood like life. I also want that for my friends and teammates. <br>Corey remains politically active with his fraternity. He is involved in various activities and is a representative in several school councils. He plans to finish his degree in finance by his senior year and then go to law school. Presently, Corey is looking into a career as a football sports agent, however,  It is not a primary goal. If it happens, I will step up to the plate. But, it is always going to be law school first and then sports agent. <br>Once again, many thanks to Mike Gentry for sharing Corey s inspiring story.<br><br>_______________________<br><br> Surround yourself with people who care about you, set high goals and live your dream. Work hard. Be your own person and strive to do what s right. Don t be<br>influenced <br>easily by things that won t help you. Be aware of what will help you and hurt you. Avoid what will hurt you. <br>-Corey Moore<br><br>______________________<br><br>COREY MOORES PROGRESS CHART<br><br>Date Height Weight Be in ID = 93 | If a high school male athlete cannot squat 145 pounds to parallel, what program should he begin with? Select one: *Overall answer Correct* a) The BFS Readiness Program marked - Correct b) The Be An 11 Program c) The Regular BFS Program ID = 85 | During the season, is it better to lift in the morning or after practice? *Overall answer Correct* a) In the morning marked - Correct b) After practice ID = 80 | Which are ways to prolong the stage of resistance in Hans Selye s Stress Syndrome model? *Overall answer Correct* a) Using charts for motivation b) Periodically set dates for competitions against other individuals or schools, or for a new maximum c) Vary the training time and place d) All the above marked - Correct ID = 102 | Not having the knees aligned in the squat often places harmful stress on which ligament of the knee? Overall answer wrong a) Lateral collateral ligament marked - Correct b) Elevator spatula ligament marked - Correct c) Anterior collateral ligament not marked - Not Correct d) Medial collateral ligament marked - Not Correct ID = 103 | What is one advantage during the squat in holding the barbell with the thumbs around the bar? *Overall answer Correct* a) It tends to prevent the bar from slipping off the shoulders and down the back marked - Correct b) It keeps the torso more upright c) It increases the arch of the lower back ID = 150 | A firm, nonskid mat is ideal for stretching: True or false? *Overall answer Correct* a) True marked - Correct b) False ID = 119 | What is the hand position of the spotter on a spotted deadlift? *Overall answer Correct* a) The spotter presses with one hand on the lower back and hooks the other around the lifter s shoulder and chest marked - Correct b) The spotter presses with a closed fist on the lower back and hooks the other around the lifter s shoulder and chest c) The spotter presses with a closed first on the lower back and hooks the other around the liftr s shoulder and waist ID = 134 | What is the advantage of performing a Dot Drill warm-up versus a simple aerobic exercise such as jogging? *Overall answer Correct* a) It develops agility b) Strengthens the ankles c) Improve coordination d) Increases foot speed e) All the above marked - Correct ID = 107 | When selecting what weight to use with lifting chains, generally you should add about 25 percent at the finish portion of the lift: True or false? *Overall answer Correct* a) True b) False marked - Correct ID = 110 | When does the pre-stretch occur during a power clean or power snatch? Overall answer wrong a) None, there is no pre-stretch during this exercise. not marked - Not Correct