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That s what we tell our players when they enter our program they have a responsibility not only to themselves and their families, but also to the coaching staff, the football team and the community. <br><br>A Question of Priorities<br><br>Being successful in high school coaching has become a challenge in today s world because of all the distractions.  Compared to as recently as 10 years ago, many things have changed for today s high school students. The lifestyle, the freedom, the things they can do everyone s got a car now. Unfortunately, the opportunity to get into trouble is also greater and sometimes coaching seems like a fight between good and evil. However, I believe that basically every kid is good; it s just a matter of steering them in the right direction. And with both the parents working, we spend more time with these kids than their parents do.<br><br>  We strive to teach kids not to drink or smoke, and to do the right thing it s a constant battle. Although Lingruen accepts the fact that he can t keep every kid on the straight and narrow, more often than not he has made a difference.  My first year coaching I had one student who was in a lot of trouble. I had him come to my house quite a bit to talk to him now he s one of the top detectives in our county! I get a kick every time we see each other because I know how much trouble he used to be in as a youngster, and now he s the one who is making sure other people don t get in trouble! <br><br>Belief in Numbers<br><br>BFS is an integral part of the recent success at Liberty Center. Coach Lingruen started using the program in 1991, and in the Spring of 1992 the school sponsored a BFS clinic which 200 kids attended.  The BFS staff did a great job, and they reinforced some of the things we had already been doing with BFS. It was a good motivator for us going into the 1993 season, and I believe it helped us win the league championships our first league championships in almost 30 years. What s more, we won outright something I don t think we ve done in almost 60 years. <br><br> Lingruen says that Liberty Center s football players have shown extreme dedication to the BFS program. As a result, Lingruen believes that his players are stronger and in better condition than their opponents, and this has boosted the team s confidence level. Lingruen says confidence and a positive mental attitude are especially important in Liberty Center s football program, because his teams are generally much smaller than their opponents .<br><br>Supervising the conditioning program is strength coach Tim Spiess, who also serves as the defensive coordinator.  In 1985 I picked up my first Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine and I read a feature on Delphos Jefferson High School in Ohio it was just so inspiring. In fact, it was th