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Coach Samson was dedicated to helping his athletes become fine-tuned fighting machines. <br>During the summer of 1999 the team was together training for battle in the fall. Coach Samson held skill sessions for all backs, receivers and linebackers. Fundraisers, such as car washes and farm work, were done so that the team could attend the Capital High School football camp as well as the Utah State football camp, where they improved individual technique skills. <br>When football practice started in August, the three most important questions had already been answered: 1) Were they stronger from performing the core lifts? 2) Were they faster from working on correct sprint technique, dot drills and plyometrics? 3) Were they committed to having an outstanding year in football? The answer was a confident YES! Capital was cocked and ready to explode into their fall season. They had paid their dues. <br>What was the result of all this dedication and hard work? In the first five games of the season the Capital Bruins had racked up 252 combined points, while their opponents had a total of only 23! The Bruins marched their way to the playoffs, and eventually the state championship game. They were a disciplined team that wouldn t accept losing as an option. They easily manhandled Billings for the state title with a 53-24 victory and finished another undefeated season with three state championship titles in the 90 s. Quarterback Tyler Emmert lead the Bruins offense, while his older brother J.D. led the previous undefeated team.<br>Capital s statistics were truly outstanding. They finished #1 in the state with 452 points, the most scored in a season. Their defense only allowed 121 points to be scored against them the whole year, with five shut-out games!<br>The Bruins were led by the best defense the AA league had seen that decade. They were an unstoppable force. Part of this fearsome defense included strong safety, Greg Carothers, who was named the state s defensive MVP. Carothers, who signed to play for the University of Washington, displayed his awesome talents at several different positions, including free safety, linebacker, receiver, and running back. Defensive tackle, Brandon Milone, had the distinction of being the best defensive lineman that has ever played for Capital High School. Kyle Scarr at cornerback led the state with ten interceptions. Seventeen Bruins were named to the AA All-State team, which included 11 first-team picks, five second-team players and one honorable mention. Coach Carter believes that athletes are made in the weight room using the BFS system. He prefers to say each year that they are simply reloading, never rebuilding. By analyzing each and every position through the lifting program, dots, plyometrics, and running Coach Carter has a pretty good understanding of where the team is going to be the following year. The first thing he tells his athletes when they are preparing for the following year is,  You have to do it now. When the season starts, it s too late. <br><br>1996,  97,  98,  99 Girls Soccer State Champions<br><br>One word describes Capital s Girls Soccer - Unbeatable! As another soccer year came to an end, the Bruins found themselves competing once again for their fourth straight State AA title. They not only beat their arch rival Helena High School, but also won their 53rd straight soccer match! Bruin head coach Rick Thompson responded with pride that the last time these senior girls lost a match was in 1996, but they still went on to become state champions when they defeated Bozeman High School 2 - 1. In 1997 they defeated Flathead High for the state title 5 - 0. Coach Thompson exhorted,  Every one of them knows where the weightroom is and all work on BFS dot drills and plyometrics in the off-season. Virtually every girl is involved in the BFS summer lifting and runn