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Our BFS Clinicians have collectively trained perhaps as many as 20,000 student-athletes over the last ten years using our SLDL with zero problems. Our BFS SLDL is probably the safest lift we teach. The Hex Bar may be used on the SLDL to even further increase safety.<br> Those of you who have not tried our method, why not give it a shot with yourself and with some of your athletes? You should get some spectacular results. Thanks again to Coach Van De Zande for an 11-type inquiry. Good luck!<br><br><br><br><br>What about the Straight Leg Dead Lift Platform?<br><br>BFS suggests to begin doing Straight Leg Dead Lifts from the floor and then as athletes become more flexible, instead of increasing the weight, they can try it from a box or platform. This will allow athletes to get the maximum stretch possible which, according to Stefan, is the whole idea of this great auxiliary exercise that can be done quickly, in any weightroom with excellent results.<br><br><br>The BFS Straight Leg Dead Lift Platform is available from Bigger Faster Stronger for only $79. It is very solid and stable. It also is constructed of solid steel with a diamond tread top plate to prevent slipping. It is painted with a wrinkle black paint. were the last line of defense for the people, explains Schultz.<br> The Dog Soldier was held in great regard. The warriors were outfitted with a particular sash, which trailed down to the ground. Each member carried a sacred arrow. During times of battle, a Dog Soldier would impale his sash with his arrow to anchor it to the earth and then stand his ground to the death.<br>  We contacted the tribe, recalls Coach Schultz,  and explained what we wanted to do. Shawn Little Bear told us it would be a great honor, and also warned us that we better know what we were doing, because the title Dog Soldier is coveted and should only be given to a special and chosen few. He helped us induct the first eleven Dog Soldiers.<br> A Dog Soldier came and spoke at the ceremony.  It was very emotional, says Schultz, who had goose bumps handing out the new Dog Soldier jerseys.<br>  It was a great ceremony, says Coach Forchtner.  You could tell these guys loved it. Here were these big, strong, tough macho guys with tears of pride welling in their eyes. It was something to see. <br> The jerseys carry a responsibility, one that each Soldier has to earn.  They must maintain their level of play or lose their Dog Soldier title and relinquish their jersey. If someone hustles or outplays them on the field, the jersey goes to them, says Coach Schultz.  It s taken quite seriously. <br><br>Family and Tradition<br><br> Historically, many NRr9?5?ȧX(ːFg/SQ8$0;㣐v=<%du|-;ZG\v wO7^Wk^Hs ":|_/P;yƾldzhXx⩸TiZGZP$Lp\}pҤZ)#ؐ78aƶX̴#,P r#:VN?6 @; x_+֘Oء:(7`Sm\xܼ! ^O|o1N\^U~:el:c ej\=2e;USo5z툙׳3:qU(6mʿ!:H;oz@=?U٧ 6?^M?;lJo$rBM}]b$UNזuWRLW*b  МrWyQ2ʑn~aP-ATj8Dy7qN2"%X^W1Џ؝\UH )ĥ/ZǢZFAW` $ykۢlPZD+98|3B b}j\BHwÁjcenx1I{l:ŅDT$Oۈ}#7l?dסּAŏ1$-b?^Q443}p(I65PsCuP,s=Qn;t;|zv2hMy&<.WQ-bu}T|ЁKbm3V!Knܿz!hh;,ܨ׷lv1?fPOEabf*TdNX^[q_LDQ ҹ&=Dr䢚ݝ3ɚލ* !GϞicBQ_N+>e4TDF,9ʧJt"P9B52Y:[˵O]a,qE>X"Ħo{?~wHIY#$X*gdk |iLQdY n0<2RӋ+_|`Ђ|pRuvoJzR&X' DNݭ1>ĩq64JN=t0kJ ^'pKEğpKc@0`NCq v(`?꣦ *DAoj~'n]=0ZlwՓq|T5+1%6\R- ^,QytqU&=&B7g?hvx5uʢtaIe=,}AHWF-GUٖO˟'MʺZ)'r εpBJ71S]:O$tatk`w'wl3mDw0z僵)5G? 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