JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================6K" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?ﭬ:Lq'UZ O>&2lsi0XvStS?T}#?ҲχaQ v?yzӿlxd6ݩ6极cj%wI*tQ/x,߻G)ݫҝ%Ő9z4 =Jq`1ҺW 9%{d<Ʃ>{G}cH3ڦG%ͦO$a0*]!yk)EgBt^"K}>RhG'wW⥰.-vmok) ƛn6{\7㹲{T$˓C8jxVݼmUT ,_i_8gի J͌?h>ҫV*hѬWA8wo,w+[m߅mLl+; w=ޞ71w?w*q\b$18Ԃ۰yb{r0)]Ca2aco7OjV4Q%!ga?Hpܚ/I|3mF̤Z7Zu .+"Q| ._ldT]^lѠ)#1]r\}#ԦĻj?fL{Dkɓ9Q@JiFܹ/sm-4 " |ŌJO֮\qv^~ecO~U۵ŋpp~Չgy8m/kU[y*-ؔuGҧoMX ~?ɚGAnn繅@E%~nLբ̰d%B:hM>G١Rj X /kM}w9A$ Oʯ[O{pNp6ZӴ[rEp0 AN?Zl?}Ƕi5ryoFT{Ee#${IE^2LaA4QI hBCRXc=U=Ea's High Schools than soldiers in America's most recent conflicts.<br>Zig Ziglar writes in his book Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World:<br> If I were to stand in front of an audience of virtually any kind in America and advocate drunken orgies, getting high on cocaine, pot or any other drug, they would look at me in stunned astonishment. If I gave a sales talk on incest, adultery, homosexuality, necrophilia, bestiality, and even suicide, while generously sprinkling four-letter words throughout the presentation, there isn't one group in a thousand that would sit still and listen. <br>But the very group that would assail such topics are the very ones who do it every day when they allow their children to listen to  popular music. They promote promiscuity amongst their children when they invite  Friends into their TV room on Thursday nights. The same is true fo