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Two guys were injured and weren t supposed to compete, but they did and scored! You really feel the team effort and these games are memories I ll always cherish from my college years. <br><br>A Coach with Attitude<br><br>Coach Randy Ziraldo, originally from Michigan, has been Cal s assistant track and field coach in charge of throws for 11 seasons. Some of his better-known athletes are John Wirtz in the discus, Travis Nutter in the hammer, and Jennifer Joyce, also in the hammer and rated second in Canada.<br>He s Dana s primary coach, and for the past three years his patience has paid off and there is a high level of mutual respect between them. However, Randy admits there was a time when his skills with female athletes were not quite as developed.<br> When I first began coaching women I thought,  No big deal. Boy, was I rudely awakened! Training principles may be similar, but psychologically women are so different. The first time a girl started crying I asked her,  Why are you crying? I ve come to be a bit more sensitive about these things.<br> But the girls get tougher too. Particularly this group. I remember a time when one girl s boyfriend was beating her up and hanging around. I kicked him out and told her to dump him. If that situation happened with this group I think they'd personally kick him. These girls are dedicated and determined. <br>Mental focus is a big part of Randy s approach.  Everyone looks at how many hours are spent in the weight room and training field, but no one talks about training their minds. When someone says this person can t compete, you have to ask how he or she has trained. If there isn t some mental training going on, there s a problem. I think that kids are not really prepared these days.<br> When developing a strong mental attitude you have to be constant. You need to hammer them about the mental aspect so much that when they get to a meet they re so sick of hearing it they ll do anything just to shut you up!<br> The mindset I work toward is nothing matters except performing well. You perform; afterwards we talk about the problem. If a shoe flies off in the middle of a run, it doesn t matter. You need to eliminate all the worry over any of the things we cannot control at the moment. You need one goal, and that is to compete well. Everything else can be taken care of after. <br>Randy works hardest on his freshmen and sophomores.  The older ones usually get it. They do what we say and stay focused. It's the young ones that need the attitude adjustments. <br>Using Vision<br><br>Sure, having a young Jackie Joyner-Kersee walk into a weight room is every coach s dream. To work with the best, and make them better. To work with them not just on a college level, but a career level. Yet, as the athletic field is changing with the new influx of women, many things are changing.<br>Like Dana, not every female athlete comes in looking for a career. Women aren t generally as single-minded as men. Many see a career and/or family in their future, not sports. Like Dana, many come without the testosterone-driven aspiration to be the best and beat out all competition at all cost. As with Dana, developing talent takes patience, a virtue that is becoming increasingly valuable in coaching women athletes.<br>Coach Ziraldo and Dana s story are about real people--not the superstar athletes that will go on to set Olympic records, but the people who still experience athletic events the way they wer