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I wanted to let the players know there was a new guy in town and things were going to be different. So I revamped the weight room and brought in a lot of Olympic lifting platforms, power racks and free weights. <br><br>BFS: What is your weight training philosophy?<br>Adams: My sole purpose is to create an environment in the weight room and out on the field to foster an athlete s natural ability. If I can enhance it in any way, great; if I can prevent any injuries, great. The bottom line is to keep these guys as healthy as possible and get as much out of them as we can to get them to last through a long and demanding season.<br><br>BFS: Do the Raiders give cash incentives to their players for working out, or do they pretty much work out hard on their own anyway?<br>Adams: We don t construct our contracts in such a manner that they get incentives. They do get a per diem for being in the program, but it s insignificant compared to what they normally make.<br><br>BFS: Do you do any special testing on your players?<br>Adams: Yes and no. I do an assessment on all the players, but it s very visual and is accomplished by watching them move and do things. There are a few individuals who have certain issues, and I ll actually assess them on a table, but from a testing perspective it s not like I run 40s with them. There are certain lifts that I want to know how much they can do, but nothing other than that.<br><br>BFS: Is the NFL combine a valuable tool for pro coaches?<br>Adams: I personally am not a big fan of the combine I think it s an archaic test. The one thing the combine does have is a history, and it can tell us if a college kid can run. If an athlete can run, then there is hope that he ll eventually be a great player. The only time we test the 40 is when we bring in a free agent, but other than that it s all about game speed and the play on the field. <br><br>BFS: What are the most common injuries you re seeing with football?<br>Adams: It s hard to put a number on what would be the most prominent injuries. We see concussions and a lot of soft tissue injuries, but there isn t a part of the body that is exempt from being injured in football. It s a total contact sport.<br><br>BFS: Do the pro athletes you work with eat well?<br>Adams: You would think so, but in actuality that s not necessarily the case. <br><br>BFS: What is your philosophy about nutritional supplements?<br>Adams: I come from the perspective that athletes need to eat well before they even think about supplementation. We do provide some supplements to our athletes, but the NFL has created some very strict and stringent guidelines on what can and cannot be taken. We ve really taken a step back from a supplementation perspective because the last thing we want to do is recommend something that might flag in a test as a banned substance. We have to be very cautious to be sure that the supplement companies we recommend ʚcyuA+<JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?y;U81~ [mש!USڸ':8® $@dg4-=s=3Ul{Ik\aq3W4VSɚ/<.0(<2uOyvV`Uӆy@κELfU=cR@5JN*MjsዂXC6p U[>xIޥΛrУ)j=B{'2T~4NRjpQdw"i @9lS[~~|/ts4]uYII>1* R1`Nr{Թꅈ:QaYkGG`a%{ly<ȥh1 )t-IbyfnO 'VӡǕ 'ъ2 e!ݿ#`%F޵#4df qo7(ֺKd&Eԏ¼*VϪύ:tG7.c/#(O U3ĆǨAԜ}Pߌ#M@NǂD$舌$Fya[(hB9ᑗd8YZÙ5Qlݞb B{V֙q  mTK;>^@SI(pw5vFUS5r(\C%C0T"B];gT*D\3D3qwF-ՄpL+NTӭ㙙T*}J|͏B8ox禋΄$+cަX ˂f38{rbB.8IUM6qr3Y*gMR#zH2RESmc*Gzld#Fi0#^lgCQit j29$) U#OQUL"ocr1' XmM{y5BżuFi?E8_:`w0"4lR1We U DXW~CںBQim7YXuC4r+̼M3UI#1)> Qsz:"