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Creates a sense of belonging to a group.<br>9. Improves communication, which, in turn, improves trust.<br>10. Teaches responsibility, which, in turn, improves caring for others and equipment.<br>11. Allows them to see how hard others are working to reach objectives.<br>12. Teaches respect.<br>13. Develops enthusiasm individually and as a group.<br>14. Teaches athletes to dream to achieve.<br>15. Teaches the value of commitment.<br>16. Helps them to be organized (dress, etc.)<br>17. Develops good decision making skills.<br>18. Teaches promptness.<br>19. Promotes participation in middle school and high school sports.<br>20. Makes an easy transition from grade school to middle school to high school.sp; In the past year, I put on 10-15 pounds in the weight room.&nbsp; My agility has increased and my stamina has risen.&nbsp; I play football and basketball and the extra muscle that I put on are assets in both sports.&nbsp; I am also able to play 48 minutes in football and 32 in basketball without getting exhausted.&nbsp; My speed has increased as well as my jumping ability.&nbsp; The Bigger Faster Stronger program has brought nothing but positive results to me and my high school.&nbsp; If you want to be a champion, train like one in the Bigger Faster Stronger program."<BR><EM>Tony Haddock, Senior-QB &amp; DE</EM>&nbsp;</P> <P align=left>"Bigger Faster Stronger has helped me in many ways.&nbsp; In basketball it has helped my jumping ability.&nbsp; I'm 6'2" and can jump off two feet and dunk a basketball with two hands.&nbsp; My vertical has increased eight inches and I am able to rebound and physically move people where I need them to be.&nbsp; In football I needed to be a good blocker.&nbsp; On defense I needed to be a leader and the main player in the middle, making the tackles.&nbsp; Bigger Faster Stronger made this possible.&nbsp; Bigger Faster Stronger gave me the ability to have the strength, the endurance and most important, the confidence that I could do it.&nbsp; Everyone in this program at Parma High School has benefited."<BR><EM>Ryan Tracy, Senior-TE &amp; MLB</EM></P> <P align=left><STRONG>Clinician's Note:&nbsp; </STRONG>In June of 1994, Bruce Schlaich dreamed of winning a state championship.&nbsp; In 1996 Bruce, his staff and players made it happen.&nbsp; Preparation and hard work were consistently implemented to allow the dream to be a reality.&nbsp; Congratulations for playing your song and helping me to play mine.</P> <P align=center><STRONG>Bob Rowbotham<BR>Parma's BFS Clinician</STRONG></P> <P align=left>&nbsp;</P>kO.{޽=wjr#y/BS \@އruۯѓcH mҵ7;jIP]^+˷xxA"=\H k9&x#ذ_ZyڠtM&J*G'GmԷޥgY"Byu]A=WG:܄ջ{^ way things have gone. <br>One factor that helped him achieve his accompli