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Coaches focus in on teaching the smallest details, and players focus in on learning their techniques to perfection. The amount of attention paid to detail, coupled with the ever-present focusing on the ultimate goal, made the Woodbury Royal football players develop into championship players.<br>With the foundation that championship people make up championship players, the Royals successfully acquired the necessary ingredients to become a championship team. Picked to finish fourth in their conference in 1998 by the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the Royals felt as though they wanted to earn respect across the state. However, the respect the Royals sought was not of the superficial kind that so many professional athletes rant and rave about - the Royals believed that they were the best team in the state of Minnesota and they were focused on winning the championship and earning the respect of all. <br>Woodbury opened the season with a school record seven straight wins. Coincidentally, the eighth game of the season was against conference rival Hastings High School who was also 7-0 entering the game. The game, to be played on Woodbury's home field for the St. Paul Suburban Conference Championship, was host to nearly 6,000 fans, as well as every television station and newspaper in the Twin Cities area. The Royals opened the game confidently focused on their goal of winning the schools first ever outright conference championship and claiming the number one seed as they headed into sectional play. The Royals defense held Hastings to a single first down in the first half of play, while the offense scored on three prolonged drives, to take a 21-0 lead into half time. The Royals locker room was filled with excited, confident players. On their first three possessions of the second half, the Hastings Raiders scored every time and tied the game at 21-21. The Royals had temporarily lost their focus, but managed to put together what seemed to be the game winning drive, scoring a touchdown with just under two minutes remaining. After missing the extra point, the Royals promptly squashed all of the Raiders pass attempts. However, with 7.6 seconds remaining in the game, the Royals saw their conference championship dreams dashed to pieces as a hail mary pass landed in the hands