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BFS Clinician Jeff Scurran came to Somerset in late March and talked about teamwork, leadership, and setting goals. Coach Larson used several books, including the Be An Eleven Guidebook (2002), to help motivate players to pursue excellence on and off the athletic field. The Spartans were expected to become better students, citizens, and athletes if they sought to be part of the 2002 football season. Bottom line: players were expected to Be An Eleven more of the time. <br><br>Power Axiom #2 <br>Establish a massive work ethic.<br><br>Somerset had never won a State championship in football. Yet, that is what Coach Larson, his coaching staff and players set out to do. Somerset already believed it had a good training program by living the BFS s beat the computer motto. But Coach Larson wanted to take the football program to the next level. Jeff Scurran met with coaches before the clinic began. Jeff was convinced that the BFS program could be done better at Somerset and would produce the desired results. Throughout the two-day clinic, Jeff emphasized the importance all the 5 Power Axioms, but none had a greater impact on the audience as,  Establishing a massive work ethic. At the conclusion of the clinic, motivation was high among players and coaches. Over the next few days, adjustments were made in the existing BFS training program. Players were motivated to work harder and work together.  For the first time, I felt everyone was working together to accomplish a common goal, senior lineman Mike VanSomeran explained.  Everyone wanted BFS. Coach Larson challenged his athletes to participate in a spring sport (track or golf) and attend weight training three days a week starting at 6:30 A.M. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. <br>The 6:30 A.M. weight training continued throughout the summer and included a Tuesday and Thursday sprinting and plyometric boxes workout. The summer program was the complete training program from BFS. It required a massive work ethic and test the commitment of each player. Nearly 90 athletes (boys and girls) participated in the program throughout the summer. Never before in Somerset had so many athletes worked so hard during the summer. Coach Larson added,  There was just no reason we couldn t dominate in the fourth quarter when you have so many player getting up at 6:30 A.M. each day to work hard for an hour and a half in the weight room and on the track. A massive work ethic was definitely and firmly established. Anything less than this type of effort during the 2002 fall season would not be acceptable to players and coaches.<br> <br>Power Axiom #3 <br>Keep your eye on the glory of attaining your goals. <br><br>Witness any Tuesday/Thursday sprint workout on the Somerset track and anyone could easily understand the level of focus each player had throughout the summer. It was easy to see that each player believed in the vision and had their eyes on the glory. Faced with a workout of 8x200, 16x100, and 12x50 early in the morning before temperatures reached 90+, none of the boys said a whole lot. Once into the workout there was not much time for talking. Learning to rest, however, became as important as learning to work hard. After all, completing a tough sprint workout was an everyday goal for each player and the team.  No one ever questioned wh