Lateral Plyometrics

With the New BFS Plyoramp

By Dr. Greg Shepard
Published: Summer 2003
Plyometrics are integral to a top athletic training program. Most plyo drills are performed moving forward, which produces great results but, as you think about it, is still insufficient. All team sports require that athletes move quickly and explosively not just forward but also laterally (and sometimes backward) as well. So it just makes sense to include lateral plyometrics in your complete plyo package. BFS has the perfect ticket: the BFS Plyo Ramp.
Drill 1 - Jump Right
Stand in the middle of the BFS Plyo Ramp and jump quickly to the right ramp (Figure 1) and back to the middle. Repeat quickly for a total of five reps.
Drill 2 - Up & Back
Stand in the middle again and jump quickly to the front ramp (Figure 2) and back to the middle. Repeat quickly for a total of five reps.
Drill 3 - Jump Left
Once again stand in the middle and jump quickly to the left ramp (Figure 3) and back to the middle. Repeat quickly for a total of five reps
Drill 4 - Side-to-Side
Start in the middle and jump quickly to the right ramp, then back to the middle; now to the left ramp and finally back again to the middle (Figure 4). Repeat quickly for a total of five reps.
Drill 5 - Around the World
Again start in the middle and go in the following sequence: right ramp, middle, forward ramp, middle, left ramp, middle, front ramp and back to the middle. Repeat quickly for a total of five reps.
Drill 6 - Quarter Eagle: Start by facing the right ramp (Figure 6) and jump quickly forward to the right ramp (Figure 7) and pop back to the starting position (Figure 6). Now do a quarter turn facing the middle ramp and pop to the front ramp and back (Figure 2). Next, do a quarter trun to the left and jump to the left ramp (Figure 8) and back. Finally, do a quarter turn back to the middle and jump to the front ramp again and back. Then quarter turn back to the starting position (Figure 6). Repeat quickly for a total of five reps.
Athletes love the BFS Plyo Ramp. You can do five reps on all six drills in less than two minutes once you get the hang of it. Get an edge with lateral plyometrics—and just hope your competition doesn’t find out about these great drills in time for the next sport season.

Check your BFS Total Program book for specifics on performing plyo drills twice per week during the off-season and as time permits during the season. A complete plyometric program should include bounding or skip drills followed by plyometric box jumping. Testing of every athlete’s vertical jump and standing long jump should be done once or twice per month.

Figure #1

Figure #2

Figure #3

Figure #4

Figure #5

Figure #6

Figure #7

Figure #8
