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The Total Program - A Quick Overview
A Quick Overview of the BFS Total Program
By Bigger Faster Stronger

The Bigger Faster Stronger Total Program is a weightlifting program which allows every athlete regardless of sport, age or gender to make great gains and break many personal weightlifting records during each week of the sport season. The Total Program involves lifting all year round. Each athlete is in an Off-Season or an In-Season program. The BFS Set-Rep System is a vital key to the overall success of the Total Program. It is absolutely imperative that sets and reps be varied from workout to workout. This prevents the plateau effects which rapidly occur with many other programs.

The BFS System creates unbelievable intensity and progress in the weight room. We guarantee that every athlete will break at least eight personal records per week - week after week, month after month, year after year. No other program comes even close!

The Bigger Faster Stronger Total Program consists of the Core Lifts, Auxiliary Lifts, Flexibility, Speed, Plyometrics, Agility and more.

Core lifts are those exercises which are deemed to be the most important for developing athletic potential. Core Lifts are the "Big" exercises which work more than one muscle group and require a greater emphasis of time and energy. The basic Core Lifts are: The Squat, The Clean, The Bench and the Dead Lift or Hex Bar Dead Lift.

Auxiliary Lifts are also important to the development of athletic potential; however, these exercises usually involve one muscle group and require less time and energy than core lifts. Auxiliary Lifts are: Curls, Neck Exercises, Lat Pulls, Hip Sled, Leg Curls, etc.

Flexibility exercises should be done every day all year long. A stretching program should not be used solely for warm-up for other activities. It is an exercise regimen itself like lifting and running. The BFS 1-2-3-4 Flexibility program is easy to learn, is most effective and takes just 10 minutes a day. The complete 1-2-3-4 Flexibility program can be found in the Total Program Book, The BFS Flexibility Manual or the BFS Total Program Videos.

Speed and Plyometrics should be done twice a week as part of a normal practice schedule. Speed work is done twice a week and the BFS 10 point speed program is an excellent way to cut tenths off your time. Plyometrics can bridge the gap between strength and power as explosiveness is created. Accurate records on the vertical jump, standing long jump and box jumps should be kept.

In The Weight Room

The lifting part of the workout consists of a 3-day workout week repeated every four weeks. If you lift more than three times per week, you will probably neglect or under emphasize other important training areas like flexibility, agility plyometrics and speed training.


MONDAY - Box Squat or Squat Variation, Towel Bench or Bench Variation, Auxiliary Lifts, Flexibility, Agility

TUESDAY - Sprint Work, Plyometrics, Flexibility, Agility,Sport Technique

WEDNESDAY - Power Clean or Quick Lifts, Trap Bar Dead Lift, or Straight Leg Dead Lift, Aux. Lifts, Flexibility, Agility

THURSDAY - Sprint Work, Plyometrics, Flexibility, Agility,Sport Technique

FRIDAY - Parallel Squat, Bench Press, Auxiliary Lifts, Flexibility, Agility

The Sets & Reps for each workout are a follows:

Week One: 3 x 3 (Three sets of three reps)
Week Two: 5 x 5 (Five sets of Five reps)
Week Three 5-4-3-2-1 (One Set of Five reps, Four reps, etc.)
Week Four 10-8-6 or 4-4-2 (One Set of Ten reps, Eight reps, etc.)
Week Five: Start over at week one

Each athlete charts his/her progress in a Set Rep Log Book or on a BFS Record Card. The weight of each lift is recorded. At the end of each set, the combined weights for all weight lifted during that session is also recorded. This gives the athlete a single rep record and a combined total record. On the fifth week the athlete refers back to the records established in the first week, and then breaks those records. There are also Rep records which the athlete tracks. Because this is just an overview of the Total Program, finer points are not covered here however, they are available in detail in the Total Program Book, The Total Program Video and the Set Rep Log Book.

A complete discounted "Start-up" package is available for only $69. This Package includes a Bigger Faster Stronger Total Program Book, a Set Rep Log Book and a Record Card, a one Year Subscription to the BFS Journal magazine, and a Total Program Video. This is a $17.95 savings! Order it today from BFS at 1-800-628-9737

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